well yeah at this point donald would lose to an apple
Although it’s basically guaranteed that he’s gonna lose, we can’t take any chances. Keep encouraging niggas to vote
we not voting biden or trump @Rico_Svares
we not voting biden or trump @Rico_Svares
If you live in a blue state, vote for ye
well yeah at this point donald would lose to an apple
Ehh I wouldn’t be so confident in that. There’s still large base that will vote for him this November. People need to stop being so relaxed thinking Trump is done. This will only encourage people not to vote and him end up wining again. So comes November, we all need to go and vote if we want to see the change.
the 2 greatest rappers of all time together
Politicians insult black people’s intelligence often. But when they’re going to vote for you no matter what antics you engage in, I guess it doesn’t really matter.
The way the interview keeps cutting in mid sentence when Biden is talking is concerning
Realistically tho, I’m just joking. Y’all need to vote blue and get that orange f*** outta here. F*** Cardi B tho
KTT doesn’t wanna admit it though
i will never get over this s***
yee's expression soon as she says that
i saw this s*** on MSNBC this morning and did the swaggy p immediately
i will never get over this s***
yee's expression soon as she says that
She said it quick af too like you think we all keep hot sauce on deck like that
they dont even hide the pandering
Or maybe cardi went to him? Did you ever think of that? She said she wanted to do politics
i will never get over this s***
yee's expression soon as she says that
“Is it working?” she really is the devil.
i will never get over this s***
yee's expression soon as she says that
she rly said okay is it working lmfao