i haven't thought about joe budden since the show on complex with akademiks got cancelled and u shouldn't either
Yeah that’s rape buddy
Not putting on a condom after pretending like you are is definitely sexual assault
She agreed to s***with a condom, not s***without one
There’s a reason Mal and Rory stopped rocking with this weirdo
Its not this
They woulda just laughed like ice and ish did and mal woulda said “yall are crazy man”
She ain’t consent to that
she consents to s***but its rape if she doesnt know the type of protection they using? idk about that but i dont use SA and R interchangeably
Its not this
They woulda just laughed like ice and ish did and mal woulda said “yall are crazy man”
It’s not this specifically no
But it’s been known Joe Buttons is a f***ing weirdo, this ain’t nothing new
Niggas get on these podcasts and incriminate themselves in the name of content
There’s a reason Mal and Rory stopped rocking with this weirdo
Nah they left cause Joe was a snake to them not cause of his behavior with women.