John is a complete cuck. His wife probably writes all of his statements for him. P**** ass dude terrified of Hollywood disowning him.
Lowkey if something happens to Ye John legend going to be apart of the documentary saying I knew he was gone off the deep end.
The bad thing is I lowkey can see it
Not everything so black and white. These people need to get over themselves.
John is black and white
Can’t believe he’s being so snakey playing the “we weren’t really friends that much” game so he doesn’t get any collateral damage from Ye’s Trump s***. For someone who he collaborated with a lot and released numerous album under it’s not looking likely that they “weren’t really that close” so basically he’s confirming that he used Kanye to further his career?
Forehead pictures incoming
Some of ya would give up ur left nut to be close to that forehead tho
would also like to direct people to this tweet for more info on john legend :)
I'm crine