I swear, that wiz rant still legendary and f***ed up
I miss this era
I'm glad Ye's in a better headspace these days but I so want him to go off on his Yeezus s*** on niggas like Snoop, NORE and Legend.
Oh and especially Rhymefest. Ugly ass nigga always keeping Donda's name in his mouth.
John legend such a p****
He doesn’t wanna lose his mainstream fans
Act like Kanye didn’t put you on f*** boy
John Legend is a safe ass fence hopping b****. He goes with whatever is popular or “right” at the moment.
Tbh Kanye is an awkward dude he’s probably not great at interpersonal relationships. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on that middle-aged dad with no real close friends status nowadays.
thinking about this makes me sad
all love for ye
Everyone go rewatch the AOL session from back in 04 and see this bumass nigga in the f***ing back looking like Stephen a Smith
Ay, I don't think the Chrissy slander is necessary but some of y'all really upset that a few niggas don't find her attractive lmao
people who drop friends or family because of political differences have literal pea sized brains.
19 pages really
“Never close friends”
He could have said we are still friends but not as close as we used to be, or he could have not said anything at all.
But to say you were never close friends is a complete lie and thats f***ed up on so many levels.