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  • Oct 30, 2019
    Don Patch

    Oh okay you're just one of those people. Got it

    “One of those people”

    Ok NOW I’m offended

    What do you mean “those people”


  • Oct 30, 2019

    watch out for vipers
    don't let them indoctrinate

    thread checklist is now complete. its so predictable now

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Such a loyal friend!

  • Oct 30, 2019

    John Legend is the of R&B

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Funny how it's suppose to be an article of john and his wife but they have to add the hate Trump and Kanye

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Alright, I'll explain in brief. The powers that be want people to be godless, nihlistic and engage in mindless consumerism. They push d*** use, alcohol use, casual hookup culture, sexual "liberation" and ridicule religion in all media now, in case you didn't notice. The final aim is to have a one world government where the top 1% is the ruling class and everybody is pretty much a slave (constantly rising prices of food, utilities, land, houses & stagnant wages) obsessed with pop culture and social media.

    Religion goes against this narrative. This'll will take generations to achieve, but it will be done. Hollywood is full of brainwashed or complicit people who take part in this. Americans are just as brainwashed as all the countries Americans look down on. All media is part of CIA's MKUltra project. Look it up.

    Post to username ratio astronomical

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Real Friends

  • Oct 31, 2019

    it looks funny bc of the timing

    but think about how many dudes from hs or college u dap up or even have convos with when yall see each other with but yall arent necessarily best friends lol

    i feel like most of the "friendship" problems in hollywood stem from that concept

  • Oct 31, 2019

    Because God forbid Ye dies today you know every snake that dogged on him gonna say he was the GOAT and they love him

    Why does it have to be all or nothing where he can't be both a creative GOAT and an a****** IRL/not very smart when it comes to politics?

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Imagine being a huge part of someone's early career and they turn around and s*** on you

  • Oct 31, 2019

    Yeezus and Yudaz

  • Oct 31, 2019

    this thread is embarrassing

  • Oct 31, 2019
    2 replies
    Will Fujiwara

    Imagine being a huge part of someone's early career and they turn around and s*** on you

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Oct 31, 2019

    Why y'all want everybody to be kanyes friend so bad b

  • Oct 31, 2019


  • Oct 31, 2019


  • Oct 31, 2019
    hot pancakes

    John legend such a p****

    He doesn’t wanna lose his mainstream fans

    Act like Kanye didn’t put you on f*** boy


  • Oct 31, 2019

    John legend just did ye the same way T.I. did iggy.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    John came through fam. Media spin against Ye what is new

  • FREE 💜
    Oct 31, 2019
    Don Patch

    What's wrong with changes to cold outside

    That new one a classic never seen conservatives and liberals so united in hate.

    "Its your body its your choice" had me dead

  • Oct 31, 2019

    John wants validation from the black community because they never accepted his music. You don't see his name being brought up when It comes to top 50 R&B male artists ever.

    I've noticed he's been s***ting on Black Legends when the public opinion tide turned on them such as Micheal Jackson who didn't take the song John wrote for him and R Kelly (kelly deserves it tbh).

    Kanye is different because he shared his platform while he was coming up with him this goes to show the lengths John is willing to go for acceptance.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Alright, I'll explain in brief. The powers that be want people to be godless, nihlistic and engage in mindless consumerism. They push d*** use, alcohol use, casual hookup culture, sexual "liberation" and ridicule religion in all media now, in case you didn't notice. The final aim is to have a one world government where the top 1% is the ruling class and everybody is pretty much a slave (constantly rising prices of food, utilities, land, houses & stagnant wages) obsessed with pop culture and social media.

    Religion goes against this narrative. This'll will take generations to achieve, but it will be done. Hollywood is full of brainwashed or complicit people who take part in this. Americans are just as brainwashed as all the countries Americans look down on. All media is part of CIA's MKUltra project. Look it up.

    I have no idea if all this will come true, but I stopped laughing at "wild" conspiracy theories after Snowden.

    Project MK Ultra is a real thing though and just another reason it's silly to believe the government isn't doing other crazy things behind closed doors.

    I'm done preaching in KTT(2) about our last hope is standing together and not allowing ourselves to be divided, because that's what makes us weak.

    Go ahead and trust politicians, media and celebrities because they seem nice, use big words or strike an emotion by bringing up race, class, gender, sexual preference, etc. I know I won't be a part of any major changes in my life here, but I do feel good knowing I'm not brainwashed.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    can u fill me in i cant watch the interview

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    John Legend is R&B for white people.

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