y'all really hating on john for distancing himself from a diagnosed mentally ill man with delusions of grandeur?
that s*** is accurate im screaming
Dawg I f***ing dropped my phone s*** nearly cracked.
I'm in shambles right now deadass like a nigga sitting outside his own pace right now dying.
Dudes looking at me like I'm mental I'm out here damn near drooling
y'all really hating on john for distancing himself from a diagnosed mentally ill man with delusions of grandeur?
Is this that Popeyeschickensandwhich weirdo.
shut up mayo
y'all really hating on john for distancing himself from a diagnosed mentally ill man with delusions of grandeur?
Shut it, Elizabeth.
y'all really hating on john for distancing himself from a diagnosed mentally ill man with delusions of grandeur?
I can't get over how unnecessary the "we were never the closest of friends" part is
Quote could've literally just ended there and nothing is lost apart from a whole lot of click bait articles
y'all really hating on john for distancing himself from a diagnosed mentally ill man with delusions of grandeur?
Kanye has always been like that
"To be able to go in there and put whatever you hate about him aside to do this greater good for this person?” says Teigen. “I don’t know if I could physically muster that smile and handshake.”
Lol i'm going to vomit. This is so f***ing childish. These people are just slaves to their political party; as if your personal pride is worth more than another woman's life.
This just proves that Kim's a real one.
shut up mayo
Bruh nigga said to Pocahontas "Shut it Elizabeth" dawg
If more and more people start to switch on ye I think we’re gonna get a Yeezus-esque classic without cursing
And I’m all in for that
This would be heat. Throw me some god bars too I don’t mind
He caters so hard to his fanbase
Literally willing to throw away friendships for this s*** lmao