why is this happening man. should have either forced Reeves to implement this joker in his batman or just leave the 2019 movie as a standalone success. what's this gonna be about
Omg what are they thinking hiring the guy who created it and made them a Billy talk about f***ing up the bag....
joker fatigue will be actually be real it seems. sad because I'd have liked to see what Keoghan joker would be like in the future (with an actual active batman in the universe lol)
joker fatigue will be actually be real it seems. sad because I'd have liked to see what Keoghan joker would be like in the future (with an actual active batman in the universe lol)
Ngl from the little we saw Koeghan is very awkward in the role
Imagine Dafoe's Joker wilding and Phoenix's Joker being like
Ooooh that’s how you make him more of a protagonist
I don’t think it’s Harley
It would take there being a second joker to make it a crime film. Otherwise it would prolly mostly have to take place in arkham and or his head to keep the same grounded non comic booky style of the first one
: Why would we need Joker 2 the story don’t need a sequel 🤓
: OMgggggggg The marvels 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
why is this happening man. should have either forced Reeves to implement this joker in his batman or just leave the 2019 movie as a standalone success. what's this gonna be about
What are u exactly complaining about. Just dont watch?
: Why would we need Joker 2 the story don’t need a sequel 🤓
: OMgggggggg The marvels 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
Wait the madness for two is Harley Quinn probably?
9/10 joker stories with that subtitle I would assume that
And there were Lady Gaga rumours
But idk if that would be interesting to Todd and Joaquin. I’d much rather Willem Defoe being a joker copycat (or actually the real/more comic accurate joker)
Gaga as Harley
They’re really got Joaquin to do a franchise
So what are we predicting will be the inspiration for this one? First one was obviously king of comedy
Maybe some mind bending David Fincher stuff? Fight club maybe?