A sinister character doing a musical does sound insane honestly and just gonna make Joker look even more psychotic. Like in the 1st one bro was dancing on a staircase after killing somebody.
The Sweeny Todd of capeshit incoming
The Zazie Beetz subplot felt sloppy and obvious. She never really existed as a character, she was just a plot device. After Fight Club, if you do that trick, I really want you to nail it. Also, the stuff with his mom, felt a lil melodramatic. It weighs down the second act. And I never really bought how fast he became a martyr. Those are my only objections.
the Zazie subplot was definitely the worse, the way they heavy handily explained she wasn't real by showing flashbacks of "what really happened" was terrible.
Now the ppl who hate the first one can cry about what an unoriginal generic Sweeney Todd ripoff part 2 is
I don't like musicals at all besides La La land and Annette was ok. But this and the Spike Lee viagra musical has me intrigued. Seeing a crazy subject matter being paired with something left field like a musical intrigues me rather than typical coming of age stories.
I don't like musicals at all besides La La land and Annette was ok. But this and the Spike Lee viagra musical has me intrigued. Seeing a crazy subject matter being paired with something left field like a musical intrigues me rather than typical coming of age stories.
Sounds like you re looking for Sweeney Todd lol I don't even f*** with musicals like that but that's a banger
Sounds like you re looking for Sweeney Todd lol I don't even f*** with musicals like that but that's a banger
never seen it hehe
It's depressing knowing that if Brittany Murphy didn't die, she would have been the greatest Harley Quinn ever
Joker 2 already a kino klassik