  • May 30, 2021
    1 reply

    will it be as mid as the 1st one?

  • May 30, 2021

    will it be as mid as the 1st one?

    Depends on if I write a mid script

  • May 30, 2021

    Oh yeah you sure did, i peeped ur letterbox it was more so the Hollywood being dead thing with seemed right up your alley

    I knew exactly why you tagged him lmao

  • Jun 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Which Marty movie is he going to rip off this time?

    Just take s*** from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest for the part of the movie where Joker is in Arkham and the job is half done

  • Jun 25, 2021
    1 reply
    Lucky Luciano

    Just take s*** from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest for the part of the movie where Joker is in Arkham and the job is half done

    I was calling him a heck

    Joker was trash

  • Jun 26, 2021

    I was calling him a heck

    Joker was trash

    Eh. First time I watched it I thought it was fine as Taxi Driver rip off, second time I got bored by the time Zazie came into the picture and then I watched it a third time while high and I liked it.
    It should have been a one off but money makes blind people see the light.

    Anyways, it's clear they're going against the standard of comic book's Blockbuster so like I said just take s*** from Cuckoo.
    Take s*** from Cuckoo's Nest, add few villains from the universe, add Hugo as antagonist, add Harley doing therapy with him here and there during the movie.
    It's easy making him really dangerous:Add some ptsd nut from war who'll teach him s*** and he'll get the basics of how get the violence to the next level with intelligence.

    When I heard about this I realized they'll sadly go for a trilogy so they'll add some kind of character that will teach him how to create plans for his violence and by the third movie you'll have "The real Joker" done the Todd Phillips' way which is not a great way but better than nothing for sure.

    I ain't saying it will be a great series of movies but I ain't into blockbuster s*** so I'd rather have stuff like this even tho they're rip off of 70s movies.

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    first one was so good

    Todd and Joaquin both stated around the release of the first that they only signed on because this was gonna be a one off thing..... wonder what it was exactly that brought them in for a sequel

    they probably expected the award nominations so I'm not crediting the success of the movie.. more likely studio pressure due to success of the movie. Money had to play a major factor and Todd being confident in the story for a second one

  • Jun 26, 2021
    2 replies

    first one was so good

    Todd and Joaquin both stated around the release of the first that they only signed on because this was gonna be a one off thing..... wonder what it was exactly that brought them in for a sequel

    they probably expected the award nominations so I'm not crediting the success of the movie.. more likely studio pressure due to success of the movie. Money had to play a major factor and Todd being confident in the story for a second one

    Joaquin ain’t confirmed in this yet is he?

  • Jun 26, 2021
    2 replies

    Joaquin ain’t confirmed in this yet is he?

    s*** I just assumed he was.... how the hell do they make the sequel without him

  • Jun 26, 2021

    s*** I just assumed he was.... how the hell do they make the sequel without him


    Recently in the comics they revealed that there have been 3 Jokers the entire time: The Criminal, The Clown, and The Comedian

    They could take inspiration from that

  • Jun 26, 2021

    s*** I just assumed he was.... how the hell do they make the sequel without him

    I feel like Phillips said at one point said they weren’t doing a second unless he and Phoenix had the right idea

    There’s been no official announcement story or anything yet just the small details within other news. They’ll prob announce he’s back when he finishes writing it. All we know now is something is being written

  • Jun 26, 2021

    I wouldn’t even announce when I’m writing something cause what if it sucks and I trash it, Ppl r gonna be disappointed!

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Gonna be another pile of garbage

  • Jun 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Original Joker has some of the best digital cinematography ever, they managed to successfully emulate so much of what's great about film and went above and beyond with low-lighting scenes

    Whatever you think of the story (the talk show scene is embarrassing imo), it looks amazing

  • Jun 27, 2021

    Original Joker has some of the best digital cinematography ever, they managed to successfully emulate so much of what's great about film and went above and beyond with low-lighting scenes

    Whatever you think of the story (the talk show scene is embarrassing imo), it looks amazing

    hit it on the nail

    wish a movie like Doctor Sleep was shot as good as Joker

  • Jun 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Or they reboot the character everytime they do one of these (would be cool the first time and then it would turn into some bullshit lmao) and cast Young Thug or Lakeith Stanfield for a different interpretation


    Danny Brown as Joker

  • Jun 27, 2021

    1 billion dollars on a 55M budget (without China) and the most successful R rated film ever does the talking fam lol

    W avy

  • Jun 27, 2021

    Danny Brown as Joker

    lmaoooo i need this

  • Jul 24, 2021

  • Jul 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Joker is the J Cole of movies

  • Jul 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Gonna be another pile of garbage

    if by pile of garbage you mean arguably movie of the year


  • Jul 24, 2021

    phoenix said he would be down to do another with todd, thats enough for me

  • Jul 24, 2021
    · edited


    "Todd Phillips struck a deal to co-write the next Joker installment"

    don't know why, i guess cause it was so successful financially. curious as to what direction they go


  • Jul 24, 2021

    if by pile of garbage you mean arguably movie of the year

