bout to rewatch tonite. was zooted on my first watch so didn’t catch all the details.
bout to rewatch tonite. was zooted on my first watch so didn’t catch all the details.
Nigga act like he watching the da vinci code or sumthin
Nigga act like he watching the da vinci code or sumthin
Nigga act like he watching Drive my car or sumthin
They not even trying no more lol
white man, black woman couple movies are always super forced and terrible
comin from a nigga btw
My parents just put this on and I’m rewatching and man I hate Kenya Barris and whoever was involved in writing this so much for taking this talented cast and making this dog s***.
EDIT: keep Jonah hill away from pen and paper please
My parents just put this on and I’m rewatching and man I hate Kenya Barris and whoever was involved in writing this so much for taking this talented cast and making this dog s***.
EDIT: keep Jonah hill away from pen and paper please
Just realize this is an extended episode of entourage when Lauren London goes out with turtle
Nigga act like he watching the da vinci code or sumthin
funnier than the whole movie
Just realize this is an extended episode of entourage when Lauren London goes out with turtle
Lmaoooooooooo nah what
Just realize this is an extended episode of entourage when Lauren London goes out with turtle
Don't you dare compare entourage to this garbage