bro they write these characters like they've never met a real person before. white OR black. jewish OR muslim. these don't feel like real people at all lmao
I stopped after the Get You scene. I am good lol
Final friday night of January 2023 am I watching a Jewish Black comedy
This is a late ‘90s straight-to-VHS tier comedy but with two of the funniest people of all time on it
This is a late ‘90s straight-to-VHS tier comedy but with two of the funniest people of all time on it
This made me lose hope in comedy movies.
This made me lose hope in comedy movies.
It’s unironically over
Just get into stand up to cushion the blow
rom coms are back baby
with a better script, concept and direction, this could have been so special bruh
fr, it was almost there but welp
fr, it was almost there but welp
it’s crazy cause they not only had eddie and jonah who are like two of the most genuinely hilarious comedic actors you could get, but they also had great comics in sam jay and andrew schulz in the cast on top of a bunch of heavy hitters
i feel like this movie could have worked so much better with a better, more fleshed out concept. something that actually felt dear to the filmmakers
imo interracial dating is not this bold new concept that we have to explore in 2023. we got guess who’s coming to dinner in 1967, then a remake in 2005. this isn’t a hot topic anymore and i don’t think the average person finds it that intriguing. and the characters leave so much to be desired, so if the concept itself ain’t gettin it done and the characters wont, it’s not gonna connect.
if there was ANYBODY i’d like to see direct this, it would have been spike lee. he could bring the visual flare and style, but also he would have had something bolder and more interesting to say on the topic. and i feel like the characters would have been more like real people
Why taco funnier than Eddie
ngl i was questioning why his character even existed. i’m happy for bro but he barely got screen time.
the movie is nearly two hours and i feel like i didn’t get much beyond the surface of any of the characters.
He isn’t Apatow
in a perfect world, prime apatow produces this movie and develops the script
one of my wishes is that we got a apatow-produced star vehicle with a black actor like he’s successful done for so many other actors
ngl i was questioning why his character even existed. i’m happy for bro but he barely got screen time.
the movie is nearly two hours and i feel like i didn’t get much beyond the surface of any of the characters.
Ya it’s kinda weird how Lauren Landon’s character is complaining about being treated like a monolith when every character was just some sort of stereotype
Ya it’s kinda weird how Lauren Landon’s character is complaining about being treated like a monolith when every character was just some sort of stereotype
that’s the only time where her character begins to feel like a real person to me. like i was waiting for them to show us why these characters love each other. which is crazy for a romcom.
felt like there was more attention put into homaging LA and streetwear than making anyone a believable character. we spend so much time in these long scenes with drawn out bits (that play more like a sitcom or sketch than a scene in a film) and never spend time developing anyone
the craziest part is in the theater jonah did get several big laughs, and i do believe eddie and nia are these characters, same for julie. on the acting side they do everything they can to convince you, it’s just that the script doesn’t give them enough to work with
This is the first 2023 movie I’ve seen and it set the bar really low for the rest of the year
All the outdated Yeezys Gucci and balenciaga sightings in an opinionated movie about race politics and culture is probably the funniest part of the movie
in a perfect world, prime apatow produces this movie and develops the script
one of my wishes is that we got a apatow-produced star vehicle with a black actor like he’s successful done for so many other actors
Apatow racist as f***
in a perfect world, prime apatow produces this movie and develops the script
one of my wishes is that we got a apatow-produced star vehicle with a black actor like he’s successful done for so many other actors
He's supposedly working on a project with the Lucas brothers. So hopefully that comes out eventually.
Apatow racist as f***
word? put me on game, i never heard that before