"Respect to all of you, the work that you all do is real acting, not like that crap that all on Marvel s***.” - An actor that had a starring role in a Marvel movie
yeah my legend Mickey rourke who I love ..also he thinks law & order is the peak of acting
honestly it’s kinda funny that there’s some actors who probably think this way, or take themselves this serious 😭
naw respect to them mcu is a clown show
Marvel really did some MK Ultra s*** on the public, niggas can't watch a movie or whatever without doing some superhero fancast.
Niggas don't even fully articulate their thoughts on the films they just watched lol
this is true but it’s just as much of an internet thing these days I feel like with any type of role
naw respect to them mcu is a clown show
that’s not the point, at least my point lol
Denzel down bad if accept a Marvel role. Still can't believe Cate Blanchett wasted her time with Marvel.
He’s the Equalizer
Denzel actually a great fit for Kang. Super intrigued
Maybe younger Denzel. JDW would be a better fit for Kang than him. Denzel been phoning his performances in since Fences.
Maybe younger Denzel. JDW would be a better fit for Kang than him. Denzel been phoning his performances in since Fences.
Maybe younger Denzel. JDW would be a better fit for Kang than him. Denzel been phoning his performances in since Fences.
Final sentence a wild take even for this thread
Cast Jenna Ortega as kang
Pedro Pascal Kang
Pedro pascal as the new iron man
Final sentence a wild take even for this thread
You right he was acting his ass off in Macbeth.
Looking at his filmography, Equalizer 2, and The Little Things he played damn near the same character though
Maybe younger Denzel. JDW would be a better fit for Kang than him. Denzel been phoning his performances in since Fences.
You seen Macbeth? I can't get with that last part at all
You seen Macbeth? I can't get with that last part at all
Amazing movie tbh. Watched it high too, so everything was hitting 10x
You right he was acting his ass off in Macbeth.
Yeah that the only exception to what you were saying
Josh Brolin beat up Diane Lane
Guy Ritchie beat up Madonna
Let the black man keep his job!
(only half joking)
Yeah that the only exception to what you were saying
Roman J Israel came out after Fences and even though that movie isnt good, hes clearly trying very hard