  • ragedsycokiller

    I don't see how this would affect Majors more? He was already found guilty?

    Only thing he was found guilty of was the unintentional injury he caused on her finger when he try to put her back into the car.

    The strangling thing is something that happened outside of that incident I think. She filed a case against him for it but it was dropped

  • ragedsycokiller

    I don't see how this would affect Majors more? He was already found guilty?

    In the court of public opinion

    "Anonymously leaked" to ROLLING STONE right after the cover story is not a coincidence

  • ragedsycokiller

    I don't see how this would affect Majors more? He was already found guilty?

    Most ppl were starting to down play it as a minor technicality of him accidentally hurting her when putting her back in car and it being a case of him getting ruined by white privilege whereas this clearly proves he has abused her

    Dude was just embarking on a comeback and this kills the redemption arc needed for that to happen

  • That’s ai

  • I think if you personally want to take a stance against him that is your prerogative. I’m a bit apathetic to this case now. She stayed after this. So it’s like eh. I’ve been witness to abuse irl, tried to intervene myself, and both parties ended up back together.

    Imma be watching that Brad Pitt F1 movie when it drops n Angelina been screaming from the roof tops for like a decade about how he beat her ass in front of their kids. So idk man. I truthfully remove myself from taking a moral position in this stuff nowadays. Look under the hood you gonna find some s*** that you personally don’t like, so treat it case by case. I’d still watch a movie with J Majors

    So yea this don’t do anything for me. I’d still love to see him flourish

  • What timing of this headline lmaooooo

    Yeah zero chance of that now buddy