good artists but she makes music for those couples who think their more spiritually enlightened because they're poly
Rolling Stones' "The Best Albums of 2021 So Far"
Joyce Wrice, Overgrown
With the help of A&R, Eddie Fourcell, and executive producer D’Mile, Joyce Wrice’s debut album take’s late-Nineties R&B and makes it her own through stories of inspiration, heartbreak and joy. The Southern California singer uses her hefty yet soothing voice to add depth and power to each track. Just put Overgrown in rotation this summer at the barbecues and day parties and watch songs like “On One” provide the vibe you need. D.G.
! cover :
Finally got to finish the whole thing and this one of the best r&b projects I heard in a while
so i listened to this again and it's just not clicking like it is for everyone else. D'Mile absolutely laced her and the project flows beautifully. it's great on the production side of things.
she sounds pleasant enough. shorty does nothing for me otherwise. nothing that stands out or for me to grab onto and fully invest in the album. it's just background chill r&b, and Snoh Aalegra already fills that role for me tbh.
the collab with Freddie Gibbs is dope as hell tho.
artwork is sexy as hell i like this more than her first project off rip. short and sweet. it's basically half kaytranada half afrobeats, just some sexy fun songs
Top 1 song of 2021 and I'm not exaggerating
artwork is sexy as hell i like this more than her first project off rip. short and sweet. it's basically half kaytranada half afrobeats, just some sexy fun songs
Pace Yourself is crazyyyyyyy