We all know who influenced Juice Wrld to get into d****:
how could he?
Joyner doesn't really have the most unique things to say. He just feels strongly about a lot of things.
I don't think most yall here understand the gravity of evil in this world and how it pervades the top and trickles down.
But good music gives u an idea and since u don't want to expend energy figuring out what the sign is pointing to, u blame the sign itself.
Low hanging fruit, but whats new on ktt?
Future Goatrxx and Juice made some great records together. He's not the reason Juice did d****. D*** use is deeper than that.
Have any of yall done Percs? if u don't need them on a physical or emotional level, them s***s dont feel good. Ppl are battling things most ppl don't have the stomach to discuss, so a lot of ppl don't have anybody to express themselves to.
a part of the reason i hate most horror movies. life is scary enough. i'm not gonna sit down so u can do to me what the outside world can do if i just think about it. it's much harder to find joy and happiness. but if the horror movie can get to the route of our current issues, then im all for it.
lot of yall not gon like that tangent, but The Shining, out now.
RIP Jarad. Juice Wrld Forever.
"We all know who influenced Juice Wrld to get into d****"
"He's not the reason Juice did d****."
F*** joyner Lucas
Joyner Lucas is a 31 year old man that still shaves lines in his eyebrows in 2019.
“You’ve said that Future was the artist who first influenced you to experiment with lean. Did you talk to him about that?
That’s the first thing I told him. He just was like, “Wow.” He kind of apologized.”
also Tyler prolly just as big if not bigger fan of em and he straight edge..
To be fair juicewlrd didn't die from nkrmal usage he consumed an absolute f*** ton in order to hide from authorities it was an all around s***ty predicament and not anyones fault in particular
Joyner Lucas is a cornball. He read that juice wrld said future got him to try lean as a kid and ran with it
To be fair juicewlrd didn't die from nkrmal usage he consumed an absolute f*** ton in order to hide from authorities it was an all around s***ty predicament and not anyones fault in particular
exactly. op is ed
“Have any of yall done Percs? if u don't need them on a physical or emotional level, them s***s dont feel good.”
have you not heard of recreational d*** use? ktt swears all rappers are using d**** to cope w the past or get through s*** but tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if more than half these dudes just like getting high.