I didn’t like the production at first but I listened a couple more times and that s*** is addicting. Always in for new Peg.
Dawg that first half this nigga a top 10 producer
This man has been making beats for like 15 years in the underground and now finally got press behind him. Truly is a veteran.
Check out his underground stuff if you havent already its equally nuts
This is better than all of the tracks on his last album put together
is it really ?
This is better than all of the tracks on his last album put together
thot tactics, jesus forgive me, papi i missed u, dots freestyle are all better imo and that’s just off the top of my head
This man has been making beats for like 15 years in the underground and now finally got press behind him. Truly is a veteran.
Check out his underground stuff if you havent already its equally nuts
Oh yea I was just bumping his s*** on bandcamp like Dreamcast summer songs he already approaching goat status to me as a rapper and producer tbh great artist