Congratulations to Jpegmafia. I guess being a whiny dipshit and begging for it over the internet really does work after all
Biggest loser in music rn and it’s not even close
Congratulations to Jpegmafia. I guess being a whiny dipshit and begging for it over the internet really does work after all
Biggest loser in music rn and it’s not even close
y is he a dipshit loser
how could my leftist king jay peg mafia do this neo nazi collab
Ye West's aura appears to trump all
Congratulations to Jpegmafia. I guess being a whiny dipshit and begging for it over the internet really does work after all
Biggest loser in music rn and it’s not even close
He's objectively not the biggest loser in
Alain Goraguer said he was a fan of JPEGMAFIA before he passed away
If he really is alluding to be featured on Vultures
I guess we can all come to a formal agreement it's going to be the worst song on the entire album
Y'all are going to respect my powers!!
ok i respect it my brudda have a blessed friday
for starters sol invictus is p good, check out In The Rain. Current 93's The Inmost Light should be good although I only remember the title track (its great). theres also stuff like Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Nurse With Wound and Current 93 but I quickly moved on from those and mostly stuck with di6 from that type of music. you can check out their most popular albums I think theyre all decent
if you want similar gloomy acoustic stuff but without -neo tag attached to it then Michael Gira's solo stuff is good for it, Drainland is one of my favorite albums ever
@edumist oh and I totally forgot but believe me I gotta mention: Kveldssanger by Ulver is some primo wintery folk stuff
I pray to God they actually make a track and it releases. This is a dream collab for me. Even if Peggy just produces it would still be incredible.
That song is hard
He did it the first time I saw him live
your OG
and don’t say nigga you don’t have the pass
idk you
if u my son we gotta do a dna test
edit: NIGGA
I don’t know. All I know is he is consistently revving up the controversial things he has done his whole career.
Peggy is more of a Ye son than Travis
@edumist oh and I totally forgot but believe me I gotta mention: Kveldssanger by Ulver is some primo wintery folk stuff
i actually have a single Ulver song in my library, ill log what you said here
i know Nurse With Wound from that one weird ass album
that s*** put me off but ill look into their stuff more that album genuinely sounded demented
and obviously im a Swans stan so of course i know Gira’s stuff 😩