Kanye has become the most popular Hoe scaring artist so makes sense
The only hoe scaring he does is towards taylor swift stans or blue hair septum piercing girls
The only hoe scaring he does is towards taylor swift stans or blue hair septum piercing girls
bro is a tubby dude, wearing Nazi shirts and general mid, as well as making mid music. You could say that in 2018 but not in 2024 and this is coming from someone actively checking with him still
Never go blond like Kanye
this is INSANE
one thing is Ye camp reaching to you for a collab
other thing is you reaching and he accepting
lets see what they can cook lmao
He should put him on production side, he said he can cook with the beats. Let see what he can do for the album.
I think this actually shows he's more in touch than out
prolly a mutual friend introduced Jpeg to him
bro is a tubby dude, wearing Nazi shirts and general mid, as well as making mid music. You could say that in 2018 but not in 2024 and this is coming from someone actively checking with him still
Nvm. Got you thought you meant general discog, even then today he exists in a weird space where more people still follow him more than they care to admit
The only hoe scaring he does is towards taylor swift stans or blue hair septum piercing girls
leave us septum wearers alone
bro is a tubby dude, wearing Nazi shirts and general mid, as well as making mid music. You could say that in 2018 but not in 2024 and this is coming from someone actively checking with him still
Nah fam it’s true…girls still love him lol
Some girl I know posted Onsight on her story the other day
I know so many girls that keeping using his music on IG and not just old stuff
Ye West retirement soon Inshallah
leave us septum wearers alone
It's about the full package brother, if you're cool it enhances it,also I assume you're not a blue hair white girl
It's about the full package brother, if you're cool it enhances it,also I assume you're not a blue hair white girl
well bro is doomed then
Ye West retirement soon Inshallah
Kanye’s gonna be 80 year olds still dropping music
well bro is doomed then
you went like 3 pages defending Lil Boom being a pedophile, how aren’t you banned?
prayin that carti starts playing for the winning team we could use a w this year
you went like 3 pages defending Lil Boom being a pedophile, how aren’t you banned?
bro d***rides more than my gf
Ye West 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
bro d***rides more than my gf
you don’t have no one bro stop lying on here