Burzum is a weird pagan fash weirdo, his stuff isn’t connected to Nazism. Chances are Kanye just used his type font cause it looked cool and edgy and also took artwork that looks similar to it.
It’s suspect for sure (in a Death in June way) but considering it probably won’t have any nazi, fascist or even antisemitic lyrics I don’t think it’s a big problem
Look at what he tweeted today
https://twitter.com/bornlik23266/status/1748291159221260631the dude literally said it lol
As many people might know I have been condemned a lot because I have used a number of "political incorrect" terms to describe my own ideological foundation. I have used terms such as Satanism, nationalism, racism or racialism, Paganism or Heathendom/Heathenism and even "nazism".
So, since I am not a "nazi" I began to use another term, in the late 90ies. I did it not just to avoid confusion, but also to find a term more suitable and accurate than the other terms I had used. This new term was odalism, from Norse óðal ("homeland", "allodium", "allodial law", "nobility", "noble", "inherited goods", "fatherland", "land property", "distinguished family", "distinguished", "splendid", "kin" and "the nation"). This term replaces everything positive about all the other -isms I have ever used, and in it lies Paganism, traditional nationalism, racialism and environmentalism.”*
If we have a positive relationship to our homeland, to our blood, to our race, to our religion and to our culture we will not destroy any of this with modern "civilization" (id est capitalism, materialism, Judeo-Christianity, pollution, urbanization, race mixing, Americanization, socialism, globalization, et cetera)
gonna be the best ye s*** in mf ages. let this nigga do the whole album because we all know the current vultures team cookin up some mid out there.
People trying to f***ing be like “Varg isn’t a Nazi” is so stupid. Please kys today lol.
and Death In June isn’t merely suspect the main guy in that band outright said he picks his sexual partners on the basis of race alone
he looped a Holocaust anthem and used a load of Nazi imagery
the dude literally said it lol
As many people might know I have been condemned a lot because I have used a number of "political incorrect" terms to describe my own ideological foundation. I have used terms such as Satanism, nationalism, racism or racialism, Paganism or Heathendom/Heathenism and even "nazism".
So, since I am not a "nazi" I began to use another term, in the late 90ies. I did it not just to avoid confusion, but also to find a term more suitable and accurate than the other terms I had used. This new term was odalism, from Norse óðal ("homeland", "allodium", "allodial law", "nobility", "noble", "inherited goods", "fatherland", "land property", "distinguished family", "distinguished", "splendid", "kin" and "the nation"). This term replaces everything positive about all the other -isms I have ever used, and in it lies Paganism, traditional nationalism, racialism and environmentalism.”*
If we have a positive relationship to our homeland, to our blood, to our race, to our religion and to our culture we will not destroy any of this with modern "civilization" (id est capitalism, materialism, Judeo-Christianity, pollution, urbanization, race mixing, Americanization, socialism, globalization, et cetera)
So, like I said, a weird pagan White nationalist. Not that it’s any better, but I’m using it to distinguish the connection between Kanye’s “nazism” and Burzum
and Death In June isn’t merely suspect the main guy in that band outright said he picks his sexual partners on the basis of race alone
he looped a Holocaust anthem and used a load of Nazi imagery
noooo you dont get it he was in the left wing band before di6!!!!!!!!!!!!
People trying to f***ing be like “Varg isn’t a Nazi” is so stupid. Please kys today lol.
Stop being a dumbass who can’t read between lines
He’s obviously a deplorable person but since you lack nuance and the point why I even mentioned it, Im saying it to discredit the comparison of Kanye being a nazi
So, like I said, a weird pagan White nationalist. Not that it’s any better, but I’m using it to distinguish the connection between Kanye’s “nazism” and Burzum
did you read anything that was pasted here?
and Death In June isn’t merely suspect the main guy in that band outright said he picks his sexual partners on the basis of race alone
he looped a Holocaust anthem and used a load of Nazi imagery
Douglas had to go to court to prove why DI6 isn’t a nazi band and to get his stuff unbanned from sales
His shirt being a Nazi black metal artist,
album cover is from one of Hitler's favorite artists and he used his art for Nazi propaganda
the German coat of arms, while not exactly Nazi imagery, is not a coincidence lmfao
yall realize you can be a fan of someone's music without embracing their views right? i mean im literally an Afro Cuban black borderline Marxist and i own a Burzum shirt and like a lot of Burzum albums.
not saying ye didn't do this in purpose/was aware of the connection because he prolly is
they like a dm away from linking
Hard af
did you read anything that was pasted here?
It’s literally describing Norse paganism.
He shares the same antisemitism, anti race mixing, white purity stance but in different ways. And unfortunately for Varg, he cannot wage a “race war” because his ideology is stupid and dead.
I love all these people who throw out s*** like dogwhistle and reading between the lines only when it helps propagate their agenda, man shut the f*** up
I love all these people who throw out s*** like dogwhistle and reading between the lines only when it helps propagate their agenda, man shut the f*** up
Keep subtweeting, my whole point is to discredit the connection between Kanye and being an actual nazi
Do you seriously think Kanye wore that shirt cause he’s a nazi/fascist that agrees with Varg or because he likes his music and thinks his aesthetic is cool?
I have straightedge left wing friends that go to metal and punk shows and also have Burzum merch
It’s literally describing Norse paganism.
He shares the same antisemitism, anti race mixing, white purity stance but in different ways. And unfortunately for Varg, he cannot wage a “race war” because his ideology is stupid and dead.
so Nazism but Nordic flavored
this was worth the pseudo-intellectual hair splitting?
yall realize you can be a fan of someone's music without embracing their views right? i mean im literally an Afro Cuban black borderline Marxist and i own a Burzum shirt and like a lot of Burzum albums.
not saying ye didn't do this in purpose/was aware of the connection because he prolly is
It's not just being a fan. It's that stuff mixed with all the s*** he says about Jews mixed with the multiple times he's praised Hitler plus hanging around Nick Fuentes. If it was just one of these it would be sort of defendable but it's more of the sum of it all
yall realize you can be a fan of someone's music without embracing their views right? i mean im literally an Afro Cuban black borderline Marxist and i own a Burzum shirt and like a lot of Burzum albums.
not saying ye didn't do this in purpose/was aware of the connection because he prolly is
Someone with a brain
yall realize you can be a fan of someone's music without embracing their views right? i mean im literally an Afro Cuban black borderline Marxist and i own a Burzum shirt and like a lot of Burzum albums.
not saying ye didn't do this in purpose/was aware of the connection because he prolly is
dam I wasn't familiar with your game
Keep subtweeting, my whole point is to discredit the connection between Kanye and being an actual nazi
Do you seriously think Kanye wore that shirt cause he’s a nazi/fascist that agrees with Varg or because he likes his music and thinks his aesthetic is cool?
I have straightedge left wing friends that go to metal and punk shows and also have Burzum merch
I wasn’t talking about you…anyone who thinks Kanye is a Nazi is f***ing brain dead with no ability to critically think.
Kanye is just a huge f***ing edgelord troll who just so happens to be mentally ill at times while doing it
yall realize you can be a fan of someone's music without embracing their views right? i mean im literally an Afro Cuban black borderline Marxist and i own a Burzum shirt and like a lot of Burzum albums.
not saying ye didn't do this in purpose/was aware of the connection because he prolly is
Keep subtweeting, my whole point is to discredit the connection between Kanye and being an actual nazi
Do you seriously think Kanye wore that shirt cause he’s a nazi/fascist that agrees with Varg or because he likes his music and thinks his aesthetic is cool?
I have straightedge left wing friends that go to metal and punk shows and also have Burzum merch
Based off a lot of things Kanye has said over the last year or two… I’m going to go with he agrees with things he says and is also trying to
be an almost 50 year old edgelord.
Douglas had to go to court to prove why DI6 isn’t a nazi band and to get his stuff unbanned from sales
”In that same interview, he further professes: “Yes, I am totally Eurocentric. I'm not overly concerned with the past but, sic I do care about the present and the future. European culture, morals, ethics, whatever are under attack from all sides these days.”
”Pearce’s motivations are never singular, to be sure, but a dominant strain that motivates him as an individual and as the driving force behind DIJ is, by his own admission, rooted in bigotry and inspired by the fetishizing of a genocidal regime.”
”DR: How important do you think race is in determining personality? How important is race to culture? Do you believe that it’s really possible to have racial purity, or would you even want to? Are certain races of particular importance to you? What do you consider to be the major racial divisions? Some say "Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid", but others think that’s too simplistic.”
”DP: I prefer to suck, white, uncircumsised cocks of a certain age so I suppose that rules out quite a few races and religions in one huge act of sexual discrimination. However, that’s natural selection for you. It follows on that, of course race is important to me!”
so he did it not because he wanted to secure the bag, totally not, it’s because it’s not his actual beliefs?