  • Jan 19, 2024

    not saying you havent made valid points itt (& even in this post edit, cause you have) but cryptofascism is a thing & being slippery to avoid being legally deplatformed or incarcerated (as they've had the experience of) is a practice we should know of very well in the genre of rap. I feel like people shouldn't even be toying with the signifiers

    Fair enough

  • marionett strings by capital to keep you dangling uh what is my take on Kanye's
    presidential bid I didn't say a word about it because I thought this isn't real
    and then people I saw for weeks took this such seriously enough that you had
    libs like doing songs about how pissed off they were a Cany and like chance the
    rapper is going off on a whole thing about whether Kanye would be good for like
    how did it none of are you people like lobotomizing yourselves so that you
    could be interested in the news that you care about like is it so boring and
    and predictable in reality that you have to hypnotize yourself and into
    removing of a crucial like uh part of your brain that recognizes patterns no he
    wasn't ready for president he if he was if want to run for president without a
    ballot line from a party that already has access to a ballot, you have to get
    uh signatures that vary a number from thousands to tens of thousands in all the
    states that you would need to copy. together the requisite electoral votes for
    it to even be a possibility for you to win, but even to do it in one state
    would be an incredible lift this late to the f***ing camp election, this close
    to november in a f***ing pandemic, it guys got an album coming out, his entire
    career, him having the maga hat, him doing this, him marrying Kim Kardashian,
    him becoming a cult leader, they're all just branding, because he is at the
    level where his his branding is his ideology. like he he is so so fully
    absorbed the idea that he is a singular genius that the propagation of his
    genius and the awareness of genius is his evangelicalism, that is is evangel,
    his evangel is himself, because he's fully assimilated the notion that he is
    the the the god of the universe and the most and the most intelligent being in
    it, and the thing is it's very easy to do that, if you're spinning it a high
    enough frequency, i mean i felt that too, because the thing is, if god is as i
    think it is, all consciousness. that ever will or have existed, that means that
    every one of us contains with it, like a fractal, the same thing, so we all
    technically cuuse we, have access to the collective unconscious, that that is
    sinonon with God, means we technically are god too, and we could, you can
    convince yourself, well everyone's god, I understand, but I'm better at being
    God than anyone else, so I should be, and that's i mean, and that and the thing
    is, the thing that stops you from taking that too far is having limits, bumping
    against the criterial reality, and when you're a billionaire f***ing celebrity
    that doesn't exist, and it will just drive you to the event horizon of uh of
    narcissistic delusion. so yeah, of course he wasn't f***ing running for
    president, i don't just, i don't, it's I think people were they have to been
    bored, but how can you be bored right now? my god, everything on earth has.
    West, you need to care about the letter, have the same conversations in the
    same arguments you've been having against the same people for five years now,
    without any variance in any of it, without any single word exchanging, being
    any different, without any argument changing, without any minds being changed,
    my god, it's like you're caught in the in a in a maze and and you have you've
    solved all the puzzles so you have to take the stickers off and rearrange them.
    uh, it's someone's asked what i'm grilling, we're smoking a pork show. or not
    sure it's going to work, but I uh, like I said, it doesn't matter if one way or
    the other, we'll all be here, we'll have fun, and we can always put it in the
    other. Am I a dud or an Earnie? That's a good, that's a large 49 question

  • lacriminal

    I feel like we can all agree that between the American altright & pagan fash (nazism being a common port of call) there's a gradient of commitment to certain 'ethics' that though certain personalities would contradict, are all losers who deserve to have no power or platform


  • Jan 19, 2024

    Kanye got yall to go 23 pages deep by wearing a t-shirt.

    The master has done it again.

    smfh I thought I was in the vultures thread, whoopsie daisy

  • Jan 19, 2024
    1 reply

    it's 20* C where I am rn

    take a cold bath or something dam

  • Jan 19, 2024

    Not me I'm different

  • Jan 19, 2024

    no one pay that post any mind pls

  • Jan 19, 2024

    take a cold bath or something dam

    listening to summer tunes fr <-- sweaty me

  • Jan 19, 2024

    Kanye got yall to go 23 pages deep by wearing a t-shirt.

    The master has done it again.

  • Jan 19, 2024

    this the only place to listen to burzum without it being problematic

  • Jan 19, 2024

    This is ideal. Hope he has some executive say so vultures can truly come to life

  • Jan 19, 2024

    hope they become besties tbh. been waiting on this since the lockdowns

  • Jan 19, 2024

    ”In that same interview, he further professes: “Yes, I am totally Eurocentric. I'm not overly concerned with the past but, sic I do care about the present and the future. European culture, morals, ethics, whatever are under attack from all sides these days.”

    ”Pearce’s motivations are never singular, to be sure, but a dominant strain that motivates him as an individual and as the driving force behind DIJ is, by his own admission, rooted in bigotry and inspired by the fetishizing of a genocidal regime.”

    ”DR: How important do you think race is in determining personality? How important is race to culture? Do you believe that it’s really possible to have racial purity, or would you even want to? Are certain races of particular importance to you? What do you consider to be the major racial divisions? Some say "Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid", but others think that’s too simplistic.”

    ”DP: I prefer to suck, white, uncircumsised cocks of a certain age so I suppose that rules out quite a few races and religions in one huge act of sexual discrimination. However, that’s natural selection for you. It follows on that, of course race is important to me!”

    so he did it not because he wanted to secure the bag, totally not, it’s because it’s not his actual beliefs?

    yeah death in june is a third positionist neo-nazi band

  • Jan 19, 2024
    1 reply

    I'm watching reality tv mid afternoon might smoke some weed

    what show pmo twin

  • Jan 19, 2024
    2 replies

    need Ye to whisper "YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME"

    they already got a tag

  • Jan 19, 2024

    Scaring The Hoes v.2 otw

    I’m pretty okay with the non-Peggy verses being too low in the mix this time around

  • Jan 19, 2024

    need Ye to whisper "YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME"

  • Jan 19, 2024

    Good news: we’re getting DJ Khaled’s Son but it’s got an insane Bomberman 64 sample now

  • Jan 19, 2024
    1 reply

    they already got a tag

    Surprised he hasn't used this yet lmao

  • Jan 19, 2024
    2 replies

    Surprised he hasn't used this yet lmao

    he actually did on 3 Tearz with Danny but thats it lol

  • Jan 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Not a Nazi btw

    What the f***

  • Jan 19, 2024

    he actually did on 3 Tearz with Danny but thats it lol

    Oh s*** lemme relisten to that I didn't catch that at the time

  • Jan 19, 2024

    he actually did on 3 Tearz with Danny but thats it lol

    Very good song

  • Sonyomom

    What the f***

    Blud called the black guy the incorrect species

    And varg says ik blud that ain’t my daughter no more I was locked up blud

  • Jan 19, 2024

    what show pmo twin

    Vanderpump rules season 9 I'm recovering from a back injury
