Two long term relationships, two FWBs, two one-night affairs, one only kissed, four sexting/nudes
Telegram is used for more than just p*** on Reddit and Onlyfans?
and Q nerds
Telegram is used for more than just p*** on Reddit and Onlyfans?
Yes. Different countries have different messengers be popular. Germany for example is WhatsApp, Russia is Telegram, Japan is LINE, China is WeChat, S. Korea is KakaoTalk, France is FB Messenger
Errthing back up ( @op should change title) but Signal and Telegram are about to gain a significant increase in they users after today.
i did - i took the facebook stuff out - this thread has all different cyber attacks in op, probably will edit op with this specific situation a bit more though so it’s more clear what happened
Pretty much the same thing, people wanting to learn Japanese and Japanese wanting to learn English
Pretty much the same thing, people wanting to learn Japanese and Japanese wanting to learn English
I studied in tokyo for a semester But right now i have a girl so im cool
They pushed a config update to servers and databases, which f***ed up the internal routing. They can't access the servers remotely anymore, they will have to haul their asses to ALL ROUTERS in ALL DATABASES to manually unfuck the mess. The problem is that people who have access to the databases are not the people who can actually fix it. Add to this the skeletal crew handling their databases, since they offloaded work to remote (which they can't do now, because they can't connect). Also every device with FB-related apps (Messenger, FB, WhatsApp) is continually asking to connect with the servers, basically DDoSing their DNS routing service. People in FB offices can't access the conference rooms, because the badge identification system relies on comparing the badge ID with a list of IDs allowed to open the specific room.
Explain this to me again but like I’m 5 because I don’t understand
Explain this to me again but like I’m 5 because I don’t understand
Basically f***ed up an update so hard they had to physically go to the server rooms to turn it off again. The keycards were linked with the same servers though so they couldn't even get inside the doors. I assume they had to break open doors and s*** and have lots of damages now.
Basically f***ed up an update so hard they had to physically go to the server rooms to turn it off again. The keycards were linked with the same servers though so they couldn't even get inside the doors. I assume they had to break open doors and s*** and have lots of damages now.
Yes. Different countries have different messengers be popular. Germany for example is WhatsApp, Russia is Telegram, Japan is LINE, China is WeChat, S. Korea is KakaoTalk, France is FB Messenger
WhatsApp be going crazy in the Caribbean. My cousins been blowin my s*** up again
WhatsApp be going crazy in the Caribbean. My cousins been blowin my s*** up again
Which island?