Can they clear everyone debt?
As much as debt is a f***ing scam, I saw what happened when they did that in Mr Robot and I’d take debt over that lol
As much as debt is a f***ing scam, I saw what happened when they did that in Mr Robot and I’d take debt over that lol
you dont want that in real life bc it was portrayed as bad in a tv show?
you dont want that in real life bc it was portrayed as bad in a tv show?
If they wiped everyone’s debt American Express and Discover would overthrow the government and skin the hacker live on Twitch
If they wiped everyone’s debt American Express and Discover would overthrow the government and skin the hacker live on Twitch
Can they clear everyone debt?
Mfs can never do some meaningful s***
this probably not it but mark my words, something will happen soon that will change life for everyone on this earth
Mfs can never do some meaningful s***
The only major hacker group with morals publically is ironically the gigantic furry hacker group that just disbanded a month or two ago and got away with everything while the consevative lobby was literally cussing them out in a chat room calling them the f slur
As much as debt is a f***ing scam, I saw what happened when they did that in Mr Robot and I’d take debt over that lol
Damn idr what happened but wasn't all of the bad s*** because the Dark Army was just ruthless AF?
If they wiped everyone’s debt American Express and Discover would overthrow the government and skin the hacker live on Twitch
They'd f*** around and find those aliens the remote viewers were talking about and be like "Nah man, get them please. Either we get our money back or we expose you and this whole world ends"
S*** would be like when you're wrestling with your big bro and you get slammed real hard and are like "nah bro time out, time out!!" Then you sneak behind him with a chair and lay him out.
I've seen this exact same article pop up multiple times in the past decade
Pure clickbait
oh my god i clicked on that f***ing trend on twitter and i just saw awful s***