Tragic situation all around. She is grief-stricken and isn't acting right.
Tragic situation all around. She is grief-stricken and isn't acting right.
You don’t gotta make excuses for her
You don’t gotta make excuses for her
She is a lady who suffered unimaginable grief, already being a d*** addict, this grief led her down to a path of unfortunate outcomes.
Tragic situation all around. She is grief-stricken and isn't acting right.
I'd imagine her emotions are turbulent after going through such a loss. I hope she gets help, works out the demons and finds some peace
Is this the guy folks were saying she let wear Juice’s clothes/jewelry or some s***?
Is this the guy folks were saying she let wear Juice’s clothes/jewelry or some s***?
Oh s*** fr? Thats kind of a big oof
What would you think would be the best thing to do with em though? Maybe donate to thrift shops is all I can think of.
Anytime I hear Juice WRLD name I jus wonder why they let him swallow them d****
Tragic situation all around. She is grief-stricken and isn't acting right.
Yeah she's giving Juice s*** out to her new nigga s*** sad all around
She is a lady who suffered unimaginable grief, already being a d*** addict, this grief led her down to a path of unfortunate outcomes.
Assuming she actually loved Juice
Assuming she actually loved Juice
Yes, why wouldn’t she?
Yes, why wouldn’t she?
Whole Juice situation was shady af. Also she was his dealer
Whole Juice situation was shady af. Also she was his dealer
If Juice WRLD loved her that’s all that matters and if he didn’t see that she was using him, then she probably wasn’t.
you gotta be one of those guys who sends thousands of dollars to girls they meet online if you’re caping for Ally Lotti
Misogyny itt
Anytime I hear Juice WRLD name I jus wonder why they let him swallow them d****
You remember how much d**** they had in that plane? Because I feel like one of his niggas should’ve took that charge
you gotta be one of those guys who sends thousands of dollars to girls they meet online if you’re caping for Ally Lotti
Just say you..