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  • Mar 4, 2021

    The post was too extreme but the similarities are there

    Gojo = kakashi nah

    But kakashi’s design and powerset influencing gojo, now that I can see

    Aesthetically is a given but even recently gojo’s purple eye technique is reminiscent of kakashi’s kamui (do not jump down my throat lmao I can clearly see how they’re different but ignoring the similarities is weird to me)

    Iono I feel like the recency bias is a lil strong, we should all be able to discuss and acknowledge how anime’s influence one another

    He has white hair and a blindfold, then he uncovers the blindfold for his power/eyes

    That’s a kakashi bite

  • Mar 4, 2021
    3 replies
    Mr Motion

    So from this I got; Naruto invented Puppets
    Naruto invented white haired characters
    Naruto invented having a demon residing inside the MC.
    Naruto & Bleach invented barriers.

    But we the normies

    They just did it recently, then when u factor in there’s multiple things being taken it’s clear they are ripping Naruto and bleach, I already said they ripped an exact scene from bleach,
    Why deny it

    JK plot is based off Naruto, yal really cap
    It’s da chunin exams and Dey put up a barrier

    Yal new age dudes I swear :​ :​

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Mar 4, 2021
    2 replies

    They just did it recently, then when u factor in there’s multiple things being taken it’s clear they are ripping Naruto and bleach, I already said they ripped an exact scene from bleach,
    Why deny it

    JK plot is based off Naruto, yal really cap
    It’s da chunin exams and Dey put up a barrier

    Yal new age dudes I swear :​ :​

    bro you keep calling others new age anime watchers but you doing exactly the same as mfers used to do with hunterxhunter and naruto
    Maybe if you watched some other shows besides naruto and bleach you would see that they both were heavily influenced by dbz, saint seiya, hunterxhunter, battle angel alita and even western media.
    By your own dumb rules naruto and bleach are both ripoffs, give it a rest

  • Mar 4, 2021

    Dey acting like da MHA fan base
    JK is directly copying Naruto & Bleach 2 deny makes u either a Stan or you didn’t really grow up watching Bleach & Naruto

    I didnt grow up with naruto and bleach cause I was over 17 by then

    I grew up with dbz and pokemon

    and what you're saying is like me watching an anime character with spiked hair and goin ''thats dbz s***'' or watching jojo and goin ''stands are the new pokemon''

    makes no f***ing sense either way, look, I have nothing against you and yes all anime carry the influences of the established creators that came before em but if they didnt they'd be made by AIs not humans......that doesnt mean they cant be creative in their own ways of developing their craft

  • Mar 4, 2021

    They just did it recently, then when u factor in there’s multiple things being taken it’s clear they are ripping Naruto and bleach, I already said they ripped an exact scene from bleach,
    Why deny it

    JK plot is based off Naruto, yal really cap
    It’s da chunin exams and Dey put up a barrier

    Yal new age dudes I swear :​ :​

    naruto had the nine tail fox

    goku had the saiyan ape....

    who ripped who??

    and dont call me new age, I'm not with that witchcraft s***

  • rano

    bro you keep calling others new age anime watchers but you doing exactly the same as mfers used to do with hunterxhunter and naruto
    Maybe if you watched some other shows besides naruto and bleach you would see that they both were heavily influenced by dbz, saint seiya, hunterxhunter, battle angel alita and even western media.
    By your own dumb rules naruto and bleach are both ripoffs, give it a rest


  • Mar 4, 2021

    The post was too extreme but the similarities are there

    Gojo = kakashi nah

    But kakashi’s design and powerset influencing gojo, now that I can see

    Aesthetically is a given but even recently gojo’s purple eye technique is reminiscent of kakashi’s kamui (do not jump down my throat lmao I can clearly see how they’re different but ignoring the similarities is weird to me)

    Iono I feel like the recency bias is a lil strong, we should all be able to discuss and acknowledge how anime’s influence one another

    yea on a surface level gojo and kakashi definitely got a lotta similarities in design, but beyond that theres not really much other than that theyre both mentor figures - for actual character traits he's a lot closer to urahara from bleach than kakashi

  • Mar 4, 2021
    3 replies

    They just did it recently, then when u factor in there’s multiple things being taken it’s clear they are ripping Naruto and bleach, I already said they ripped an exact scene from bleach,
    Why deny it

    JK plot is based off Naruto, yal really cap
    It’s da chunin exams and Dey put up a barrier

    Yal new age dudes I swear :​ :​

    Niggas like you are the reason why anime nerds won't stop getting jumped after school.

    There's a difference between ripping off and taking inspiration from something. JJK took inspiration from Naruto & Bleach but you know what?
    Naruto took inspiration from Hunter X Hunter Nigga straight ripped chunin exams from the hunter exams, Sasuke | Kurapika, i could REALLY go on
    Bleach took inspiration from Saint Seiya and other old s*** i dont remeber.

    That's what art is nigga. None of this s*** exists in a vacuum. You take inspiration and create new things with it and JJK already better than Naruto because the female characters do s*** and win fights

  • Mar 4, 2021

    Nawwww , no way this nigga still going

  • Mar 4, 2021

    Niggas like you are the reason why anime nerds won't stop getting jumped after school.

    There's a difference between ripping off and taking inspiration from something. JJK took inspiration from Naruto & Bleach but you know what?
    Naruto took inspiration from Hunter X Hunter Nigga straight ripped chunin exams from the hunter exams, Sasuke | Kurapika, i could REALLY go on
    Bleach took inspiration from Saint Seiya and other old s*** i dont remeber.

    That's what art is nigga. None of this s*** exists in a vacuum. You take inspiration and create new things with it and JJK already better than Naruto because the female characters do s*** and win fights


    sakura wishes she was HALF the queen nobara is

  • Mar 4, 2021

    Niggas like you are the reason why anime nerds won't stop getting jumped after school.

    There's a difference between ripping off and taking inspiration from something. JJK took inspiration from Naruto & Bleach but you know what?
    Naruto took inspiration from Hunter X Hunter Nigga straight ripped chunin exams from the hunter exams, Sasuke | Kurapika, i could REALLY go on
    Bleach took inspiration from Saint Seiya and other old s*** i dont remeber.

    That's what art is nigga. None of this s*** exists in a vacuum. You take inspiration and create new things with it and JJK already better than Naruto because the female characters do s*** and win fights

    This nigga spittin

  • Mar 4, 2021

    This really the coolest anime since bleach

  • Mar 4, 2021

    bro you keep calling others new age anime watchers but you doing exactly the same as mfers used to do with hunterxhunter and naruto
    Maybe if you watched some other shows besides naruto and bleach you would see that they both were heavily influenced by dbz, saint seiya, hunterxhunter, battle angel alita and even western media.
    By your own dumb rules naruto and bleach are both ripoffs, give it a rest

    Listen I hate lames like yal lying on Naruto or whoever trying to DEFLECT like a hoe, Naruto is inspired by dbz bleach is inspired by dbz, Ichigo hair grew ssj3 but everybody would Admit that, that’s influence the shows have their own original standings/legs

    The case with jujutsu, the author clearly was inspired by bleach and Naruto 2 make the show, but he’s crossing the line of ripping directly from the shows, and deez new age fans are super sus it’s like the rap game yal new dudes lack morals so of course you’ll make an excuse/cop out 4 an anime biting another anime

    Stop actin like hoes and acknowledge jujutsu taking too much

  • Mar 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Niggas like you are the reason why anime nerds won't stop getting jumped after school.

    There's a difference between ripping off and taking inspiration from something. JJK took inspiration from Naruto & Bleach but you know what?
    Naruto took inspiration from Hunter X Hunter Nigga straight ripped chunin exams from the hunter exams, Sasuke | Kurapika, i could REALLY go on
    Bleach took inspiration from Saint Seiya and other old s*** i dont remeber.

    That's what art is nigga. None of this s*** exists in a vacuum. You take inspiration and create new things with it and JJK already better than Naruto because the female characters do s*** and win fights

    Bruh yal hoes I’m done tryna tell yal what’s dead smack in yo face
    Real dudes don’t get beat up, only fanboys that refuse to accept what’s real, u rather deflect and bring original animes down because u wanna d ride the new anime, that’s dat new age stuff, dat never happened until FMAbh came out

  • Mar 4, 2021
    1 reply

    This convo pretty entertaining from a neutral bystander perspective ngl

  • Mar 4, 2021

    Bruh yal hoes I’m done tryna tell yal what’s dead smack in yo face
    Real dudes don’t get beat up, only fanboys that refuse to accept what’s real, u rather deflect and bring original animes down because u wanna d ride the new anime, that’s dat new age stuff, dat never happened until FMAbh came out

    idk what tf fma has to do with anything and tbh i really dont even know what you just typed but you can like old series while acknowledging new ones are better.

    stop being overly sensitive/territorial about chinese cartoons.

  • Mar 4, 2021

    also full disclosure i didnt read any of the previous posts i just saw yours and thought it was bad. you might be spittin but i doubt it.

  • Mar 4, 2021

    if anything it bleach and hxh

    U just reached new heights of sus but I appreciate u acknowledging the bleach

  • Mar 4, 2021

    This convo pretty entertaining from a neutral bystander perspective ngl

    you just sippin ur tea laffin at us peasants fightin 4 the weeb throne huh

    not kewl bruh not kewl

  • Mar 4, 2021
    2 replies

    there’s a difference when your anime has no legs of its own

    The examples yal giving me to counter like Bleach having 1 thing from dbz
    Counts as influence, we instantly see it and everybody admits it

    Naruto is its own original story has its own legs and design, Sasuke is Kurapika mixed w HIEI from YuYu, that’s influenced, everybody sees it and acknowledges it

    Now shows like MHA and AOT
    and rn what we’re discussing are directly ripping multiple things from 2 recent animes, the doesn’t stand on its own design the design is just a bunch of things taken from bleach and Naruto put together, very Blatant things

    And w dis new age of anime kids yal refuse to acknowledge it there would be no problem

    Every episode of jujutsu kaisen is blatantly copying something from Bleach/Naruto

    That’s not influence, that’s biting the anime loses points for that

  • Mar 4, 2021

  • Mar 5, 2021

    there’s a difference when your anime has no legs of its own

    The examples yal giving me to counter like Bleach having 1 thing from dbz
    Counts as influence, we instantly see it and everybody admits it

    Naruto is its own original story has its own legs and design, Sasuke is Kurapika mixed w HIEI from YuYu, that’s influenced, everybody sees it and acknowledges it

    Now shows like MHA and AOT
    and rn what we’re discussing are directly ripping multiple things from 2 recent animes, the doesn’t stand on its own design the design is just a bunch of things taken from bleach and Naruto put together, very Blatant things

    And w dis new age of anime kids yal refuse to acknowledge it there would be no problem

    Every episode of jujutsu kaisen is blatantly copying something from Bleach/Naruto

    That’s not influence, that’s biting the anime loses points for that

    you care way too much

  • Mar 5, 2021
    1 reply

    JJK is inspired by past Shonen, to say blatantly rip off is just wrong though. You’d have a much easier time saying that for Demon Slayer & Black Clover.

  • Mar 5, 2021
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