It's more of the fact that he fought 20 sorcerers and somehow didn't know that his domain would take a cursed tool. There's no way not ONE of those sorcerers didn't use a cursed tool. It's also weird cuz that cursed tool was pretty hyped up and we barley seen sukuna use it
20 is not a big sample size when it could’ve been all awakened sorcerers like him and they wouldn’t know about Curse tools or even become efficient in ones as fast as higgy who’s a prodigy. He also could’ve just beat their asses with the hammer, he can’t just spam domain expansion.
Also this
And the fact curse tools have CTs meaning this would be in line for confiscation, and it was probably first because it was a weapon
They don’t read at all and I’m starting to think it’s on purpose they just like when their fan theories come true and get mad when Gege writes his story his own way. Literally was told that Curse tools besides playful cloud have CTs. So this was a very possible outcome like you said. I was like oh s\*\*\* at the end, but people just trying to ruin things with their idiocy. Still waiting to see an actual awful thing happen in the manga where I can’t defend it like these “critics” claim
Personally, one aspect where I think Gege failed in terms of writing was the conclusion (or rather, the assumed ambiguity) of Nobara's fate.
20 is not a big sample size when it could’ve been all awakened sorcerers like him and they wouldn’t know about Curse tools or even become efficient in ones as fast as higgy who’s a prodigy. He also could’ve just beat their asses with the hammer, he can’t just spam domain expansion.
Also this
And the fact curse tools have CTs meaning this would be in line for confiscation, and it was probably first because it was a weapon
I was literally about to post this tweet with your response lmaoo its the perfect description for real
I was literally about to post this tweet with your response lmaoo its the perfect description for real
Great minds think alike, I got you twin
This chapter just confirmed me that mfers (tw and tiktok) are straight up not reading, dont have reading comprehension or speedrunning this s*** cause how are you calling this plot armor or asspull when Gege literally explains every detail about the possible outcomes and you STILL dont understand whats happening, im baffled at some people's responses cause how are you this illiterate 😭😭😭
There’s four types of weekly readers:
1. The ones searching to enhance their understanding of what they’ve read.
2. The ones who can’t wait to engage in the attention economy i.e troll or bait.
3. The ones who are genuinely lost (that’s me)
4. The ones searching/creating the memes (also me)
20 is not a big sample size when it could’ve been all awakened sorcerers like him and they wouldn’t know about Curse tools or even become efficient in ones as fast as higgy who’s a prodigy. He also could’ve just beat their asses with the hammer, he can’t just spam domain expansion.
Also this
And the fact curse tools have CTs meaning this would be in line for confiscation, and it was probably first because it was a weapon
Also saw some people angry that sukuna didnt oneshot higurama. But honestly it might be Kusakabe. Mans survived Jogos meteor and a point blank Uzumaki from Kenjaku. It was obvious somebody would have to rush to Higuramas defense after the domain since he is a winning condition. That or Sukuna really held back because he wants to see the Executioners sword in action
This chapter just confirmed me that mfers (tw and tiktok) are straight up not reading, dont have reading comprehension or speedrunning this s*** cause how are you calling this plot armor or asspull when Gege literally explains every detail about the possible outcomes and you STILL dont understand whats happening, im baffled at some people's responses cause how are you this illiterate 😭😭😭
nothing was ever mentioned about judgeman prioritizing cursed tools over techniques. it wasn't mentioned in the fight against Yuji, it obviously wasn't known by Higurama, and they didn't learn it during the month+ they were planning whatever they were planning. how is it lacking reading comprehension if this is a completely new part of his domain that was never mentioned and only conveniently added this chapter?
it just makes little sense for a shikigami to purposefully nerf itself and make it's use case more niche when it's your own domain expansion. why on earth would it prioritize tools over techniques
nothing was ever mentioned about judgeman prioritizing cursed tools over techniques. it wasn't mentioned in the fight against Yuji, it obviously wasn't known by Higurama, and they didn't learn it during the month+ they were planning whatever they were planning. how is it lacking reading comprehension if this is a completely new part of his domain that was never mentioned and only conveniently added this chapter?
it just makes little sense for a shikigami to purposefully nerf itself and make it's use case more niche when it's your own domain expansion. why on earth would it prioritize tools over techniques
Because Higurama is a new sorcerer, yes he is a prodigy but at the end of the day experience is what makes the difference, remember when Judgeman confiscated Yuji's CE because he doesnt have a CT, Higuruma was very surprised and learned confiscation has an order of priority which is a very important point, then Higuruma himself says that he never trialed a sorcerer with more than 2 techniques and didnt even know how Japanese laws would affect Sukuna meaning that he is not aware of every possibility, so we can simply deduct SO FAR that it confiscated the very first CT that it encountered since Kamutoke as a cursed tool has an innate cursed technique which was mentioned since the very first chapters of the manga, and now we learnt that it priorities weapons first which yes it might seem convienent but makes sense to confiscate that first in a courtroom or arrest Basically is dumb to say is an asspull as soon as it doesnt go your way when these details have been layed down since the start (not you specifically lol always referring to people on tw and tiktok)
I feel like it would have been more reasonable to have his CT taken away but still be able to use the cursed tools. If this permanently takes away the tool regardless of Higorumas death it's a good way to slowly chip at sukuna for the eventual final battle.
Is today's episode delayed or still coming?
It’s coming, in fact it’s cooked and ready to go.
Every time they cook i laugh at these false info ass niggas pushing a dumb narrative
The internet gullible as usual too
This season really is about end perfectly, used to pray for times like this 😭
The GOAT soon come
Lmao that transformation was mid and Im glad it got treated like mid
Took away all the unique characteristics in his flighting style to turn into bargain bin cooler ON TOP of getting turned into a straight b****
I cant even look at him the same after going out like that
Lmao that transformation was mid and Im glad it got treated like mid
Took away all the unique characteristics in his flighting style to turn into bargain bin cooler ON TOP of getting turned into a straight b****
Tbf the anime added a lot of stuff to mahitos fighting style he did nowhere near this amount of crazy s*** in the manga but yea that transformation is lame despite me liking the design a lil