This chapter shouldn’t have been before a break broooo
I feel you but Gege does it every three chapters lol but the set up is complete, Takaba has his backstory, motive, and won’t easily be beat by criticism now. The real fight begins next chapter, and I’m going to wager this will be a top 5 fight in the series for a serious non goofy Takaba doing reality bending attacks purposely to harm Kenjaku.
Also Takaba’s back story hit close to home, not in comedy but in other aspects. He has a deep character and I like him a lot, despite his horrible outfit I can’t stand since he’s naked lmao
Okay does anyone else here read the manga exclusively??? I’ve read volume 1 all the way up to 8 and am I the only one who gets lost and confused in what exactly they’re talking about sometimes? Idk if it’s translation or legit writing errors but the flow of conversation of plot beats just goes over my head at certain points
Beautiful chapter
Funny that people always said gege rushes the manga and now when he takes it slow they s*** on him too
hopefully this guy dies in the next couple of chapters. never wanted him seriously involved in the story in any way and I need the "this guy is lowkey the strongest character in the verse" memes to be put to an end
hopefully this guy dies in the next couple of chapters. never wanted him seriously involved in the story in any way and I need the "this guy is lowkey the strongest character in the verse" memes to be put to an end
youre a savage
Another character another backstory and motivation about bein seen and understood. Where Gojo wanted to achieve this with Sukuna using jujutsu. Takaba wants to connect over his comedy. JJK so beautiful with that man its gorgeous. Tears when Takaba dies while Kenjaku laughs at his last joke 😭. This feels like such a setup for this outcome.
Beautiful chapter
Funny that people always said gege rushes the manga and now when he takes it slow they s*** on him too
For a solid moment it felt like he was dead lmao
hopefully this guy dies in the next couple of chapters. never wanted him seriously involved in the story in any way and I need the "this guy is lowkey the strongest character in the verse" memes to be put to an end
This fandom is weird. They get mad saying the story feels rushed, then we switch POVs to create simultaneous plot lines and they complain about how they want action again and to hurry to the finale. Some people need to stay anime watchers only.
This fandom is weird. They get mad saying the story feels rushed, then we switch POVs to create simultaneous plot lines and they complain about how they want action again and to hurry to the finale. Some people need to stay anime watchers only.
Let alone the fact that 98% of Jujutsu kaisen IS fights. Basically the only break there is are backstories and brief recaps during fights
youre a savage
We got some real s*** going down elsewhere I’m tryna pack this lil scuffle up
Mark my words when I say this, this is a set up for some of the best JJK chapters. “A CT that rivals Gojo”. Who is afraid and way weaker than Gojo? Kenjaku. So realistically he should be afraid of this too. All his 1000 years didn’t prepare him for this, and Takaba has a semi limitless attribute because he negates all damage/attacks. Kenjaku will have to think of something on the fly to win, and since Takaba motivation is to ACTUALLY make Kenjaku laugh so hard, he has to do things Kenjaku will find funny, which is probably unworldly and dark humor, and will be maybe grotesque or supernatural. I suspect Takaba wins but Kenjaku laughs and may have Takaba think of something to kill him by accident. Kenjaku will be too weaken to go up for another fight so I can see him switching bodies.
If Kenjaku takes Takaba’s body and Yuta has to fight him next, Yuta May copy comedian or limitless to combat it. If he copies comedian and it’s two people fighting using their imagination that will be the hardest s\*\*\* ever. But Gege always does something else I didn’t think of lol but people don’t understand why this isn’t some little squabble. Takaba is arguably top 3 and not 3 when he’s sure of himself.
please be better than last week. Need at the very least the Toji moments to be superb
Its toji thursday
they gave us a both the manga panel and a anime original wow this is gorgeous