this still my fave
sprained ankle still my favorite too, but this album is amazing and I think is just the beginning of her experimentation as an artist
pitchfork gave it a 7.6, a full point lower than her last album, which is just wrong tbh. This album kicks the s*** out of turn out the lights
Pitchfork for you
This is the best thing I've heard in a hot minute. This might be in my top 3 oty if it dropped in 2020
Man I’m going through some s*** rn and Idk if listening will make it worse or better might have to hold off
Man I’m going through some s*** rn and Idk if listening will make it worse or better might have to hold off
Saving my first listen for when I'm at the beach tomorrow on an early morning
Relative fiction f***ed me up
I’m gonna say on a first listen that this is just as good as her last two but it has my least favorite intros and outros of any of her records . Maybe ziptie will grow on me but go home is my favorite album closer ever and claws in your back got me through some tough s***
Relative fiction f***ed me up
I’m gonna say on a first listen that this is just as good as her last two but it has my least favorite intros and outros of any of her records . Maybe ziptie will grow on me but go home is my favorite album closer ever and claws in your back got me through some tough s***
damn really, ziptie probably my favorite track
Hurt Less and Something are still her goat songs tho
Hurt Less is easily her best song. I think Ringside is climbing the ladder for me.
think this AOTY ngl i no its feburary but ive legit run this entire record back more times than anything in recent memory. I think ive heard it in full like 25 times already