These are all some amazing albums that I have used to fall asleep
Endless too basically any Frank is comforting enough to sleep to
This one just reminds me of Christmas and makes me feel safe
That being said this is a great comfort album and falling asleep to it doesnt mean its bad
I agree op Stop Breathing always makes me wanna hit the hay and get a good night’s rest
Used to fall asleep to Cilvia Demo because it’s such a chill album. I agree wholeheartedly OP
You gotta be a different type of nigga to throw on WLR before you go to sleep
Nigga sleeping to No Sleep
If i tried to sleep to an album i feel like Id just keep being like why is music playing
I agree op Stop Breathing always makes me wanna hit the hay and get a good night’s rest
yup same here i never thought of beating the living s*** out of someone while listening to it
i dont say this lightly when i say this might be the stupidest thread in the history of KTT