I tend to keep spiders in my room if I see them. I once saw a decently large spider in the corner by the TV as I was watching No Country for Old Men. I thought nothing of it; he’s on the other side of the room. It’s clear to me he is well aware of the unspoken Pact of Man and Spider. So long as both Man and Spider keep out of each others’ business, they may live in peace. I turn off the television and go to sleep when the credits roll.
I awake and, after showering, I go to make my bed. I whip the blanket to spread it evenly across the mattress, and a dot the size of a quarter flings from the blanket onto the mattress. There he was. I could not believe what had happened. The pact was betrayed, and I had no choice but to exact punishment. It is what it is.
i got a black house spider chillin in my bathroom atm
it stays near the window so it’s killing all the pests for me
I hate u all australins
I'll free him once i can confirm it's not poisonous for my dog
Why not just release outside
Bro where do you live so I can avoid that region
And I know you got plans to go there soon...
And I know you got plans to go there soon...
Not me lmao another one of us 🙏
i caught a new one hanging out at my front door today
I freed him real quick tho
Cute little critters. Never seen a huntsman spider here before.
i caught a new one hanging out at my front door today
I freed him real quick tho