There’s so many other songs to listen to besides r Kelly songs. You guys are emitting big re.tard energy
I was in the store the other day and some old head said he wanted to hear R. Kelly doing the VS challenge and another dude said how he gonna do it from jail.
Some folks don’t care bout none of the s*** he did as long as he sang their favorite songs.
who really still playin rkelly in this day and age regardless tho
You’d be surprised, people will always play his music
Uhm.. no. But You do you cuzz.
I think its weird to find it weird but its all good bro
You guys are right, and I was never trying to tell people not to listen to r kelly, just saying you’re a sick f*** if you do. Who am I to stand between a man and his favourite songs about molesting children? Listen to whatever you want, I just won’t be listening out of respect for the s***slaves who were starved and degraded.
I think its weird to find it weird but its all good bro
Lol nah you’re right. it’s just being on this site that makes me skeptical
I really hate that it had to be @jeans . you never want to see a good user go out like this