I mean we basically know that s*** was made in lab in wuhan, but f*** if the really did it as a distraction
This 9/11 all over again
I've said it before, easy to see it tbh if u don't live in the hype of news
And ESPECIALLY when it was China, i was like aw this the one, they caught so much flack for the Muslim camps and the Hong Kong situation so the corona situation was probably already brewing
Won't someone save Jahron
Muslims still being tortured in China tho
Hong Kong situation still not resolved
They succeeded in their manipulation of public
Who cares about torturing mudlims? There are elderly dying ffs
stay takin all the crowns, s*** became an obsession
yeah... a nigga must have caught the corona infection
u realize there are conditions that make younger people have weaker immune systems right?
In US alone 1.5M people live with lupus.
niggas dad kicked him out and now he wants him to die
Aye yooooo
We gotta stop roasting people through different threads on a forum.
People who spell "lose" like "loose" deserve to get coronavirus
I wish you would let lose of your grammar peeve.
I wish you would let lose of your grammar peeve.
Loose yourslef to d music
Aye yooooo
We gotta stop roasting people through different threads on a forum.
I fw op but he was kinda asking for it