ever think about quakerboy dad hats? i'll buy like 10 so you can turn a profit
Bro I've been peeping your threads and you've been through so much it's insane
Hope you're doing well and staying healthy
haha thanks i appreciate that!!
i have 2 rn on the store!
bro.... i didnt know.
now that i do, ima fan of the operation yo -- who does your designs? i f***s with the Floridian shorts and could see myself getting jiggy in alot of the pieces too-- the back pocket thread is hard as s*** too btw
bro.... i didnt know.
now that i do, ima fan of the operation yo -- who does your designs? i f***s with the Floridian shorts and could see myself getting jiggy in alot of the pieces too-- the back pocket thread is hard as s*** too btw
i’ve done most but outsourced some but all start from my dome. i really want to get designers on board because after this season i’m literally out of ideas 😂 and i kinda thought of the green stitching as a signature thing for the brand!
gonna go to one of the retiree’s lunch they have them once a month i thought it would be really funny
man got 60k sitting in his account and i got $3.24 in mine i’m sick
it’s now 3 years later and still have 8000 left
i basically have to press charges for either place to try anything to do about it so i guess i’ll be doing so
i basically have to press charges for either place to try anything to do about it so i guess i’ll be doing so
just found out to be harassment it can be a one or two time thing not something over a long period which i had thought prior
A person is guilty of aggravated harassment in the second degree when:
1. With intent to harass another person, the actor either:
(a) communicates, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, by computer
or any other electronic means, or by mail, or by transmitting or
delivering any other form of communication, a threat to cause physical
harm to, or unlawful harm to the property of, such person, or a member
of such person's same family or household as defined in subdivision one
of section 530.11 of the criminal procedure law, and the actor knows or
reasonably should know that such communication will cause such person to
reasonably fear harm to such person's physical safety or property, or to
the physical safety or property of a member of such person's same family
or household; or
(b) causes a communication to be initiated anonymously or otherwise,
by telephone, by computer or any other electronic means, or by mail, or
by transmitting or delivering any other form of communication, a threat
to cause physical harm to, or unlawful harm to the property of, such
person, a member of such person's same family or household as defined in
subdivision one of section 530.11 of the criminal procedure law, and the
actor knows or reasonably should know that such communication will cause
such person to reasonably fear harm to such person's physical safety or
property, or to the physical safety or property of a member of such
person's same family or household; or
2. With intent to harass or threaten another person, he or she makes a
telephone call, whether or not a conversation ensues, with no purpose of
legitimate communication; or
3. With the intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person,
he or she strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another person
to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same because of
a belief or perception regarding such person's race, color, national
origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity or expression, religion,
religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation, regardless of
whether the belief or perception is correct; or
4. With the intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm another person,
he or she strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects another person to
physical contact thereby causing physical injury to such person or to a
family or household member of such person as defined in section 530.11
of the criminal procedure law;
via nysenate.gov
i basically have to press charges for either place to try anything to do about it so i guess i’ll be doing so
the postal inspectors recommended me too so i think i’ll do it this week
my sister is getter her first real job and she said having a week off in between the two was the best and i said imagine not working since 2019!! then i said all the stroke stuff was worth that reward and my mom’s like you really think that i’m like no doubt!
went to go get honored as a retiree through the union and got to go shake the union president’s hand who didn’t help me at all because his boy was involved and when he went to shake i pulled it back and said ‘get f***ed’
went to go get honored as a retiree through the union and got to go shake the union president’s hand who didn’t help me at all because his boy was involved and when he went to shake i pulled it back and said ‘get f***ed’
got him