  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Mar 9, 2023

    I went into the whole Entergalactic arc thinking the show/movie would be underwhelming and the album would be good. It ended up being the other way around. The movie is a masterpiece to me. The album I didn’t care much for outside the context of the movie. This was mainly due to Cudi refusing to just say the album was a soundtrack and kept pushing it was a body of work on its own when it’s clearly a soundtrack to the movie. I just had a really hard time enjoying it as an album on its own. That was until recently when I got the urge for a re listen. It’s still far from my favorite work from Cudi, but something clicked that makes me enjoy it so much more now..

    How are we feeling as a consensus on this one in 2023?

  • Mar 9, 2023
    3 replies

    havent thought about it once til i saw this thread

  • Mar 9, 2023

    Everything cudi does beside hum is garbage

  • Mar 9, 2023

    A really good album, definitely no where near his best but I enjoy every song and it's such a great companion piece to the series

  • Mar 9, 2023

    I overly played the s*** out of it when it first came out. Just play a few tracks now. Feel like 3/4 of the album is pretty solid but loses a lot of momentum towards the end. Still enjoy it. The good tracks are great but doesn't really stick out for me in his discog

  • Mar 9, 2023
    2 replies

    I like the album more than the movie

  • Mar 10, 2023
    Chip Skylark

    I like the album more than the movie

  • Chip Skylark

    I like the album more than the movie

    Agreed, movie is cool but album is definitely better imo.

  • Mar 10, 2023
    1 reply

    My least favourite Cudi album, only like In Love and Maybe So.

  • Mar 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Somewhere to fly is amazing

  • Mar 11, 2023

    I’m not trying to hate because I’m a cudi fan. But it kinda is ass. Aside from like 3 tracks. Idk

  • Mar 11, 2023
    4 replies

    Kid Cudi's peak was on Guilt Trip, no thanks to Cudi btw, Ye brought out his best!

  • Mar 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Kid Cudi's peak was on Guilt Trip, no thanks to Cudi btw, Ye brought out his best!

    his peak was writing most of kanye best songs

  • The song after can’t believe it throws it off but maybe because I never got to smoke out to this album like the other ones , the leak w the farts was something I never heard before lol and beavis and but head and some demon cartoon was out at the time so it’s some decent memories with it . Seen the movie like 4 5 times but the last time I really paid attention and teared up at the end

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Kid Cudi's peak was on Guilt Trip, no thanks to Cudi btw, Ye brought out his best!

    Think you're in the wrong thread lmao

  • bMass28 🤰🏻
    Mar 12, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    havent thought about it once til i saw this thread

  • Mar 12, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    havent thought about it once til i saw this thread

    MID Cudi

  • Mar 12, 2023
    3 replies

    last time i cared abt cudi is when he potentially was gonna be on pissy pamper

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Think you're in the wrong thread lmao

    Lmao funny enough I actually said this before that snippet ever leaked!

    I'm In The Future!

  • KushMoneyTerminato

    Kid Cudi's peak was on Guilt Trip, no thanks to Cudi btw, Ye brought out his best!

    Get a life weirdo

  • Bear

    My least favourite Cudi album, only like In Love and Maybe So.

    I mean everyone has their own opinions but I really don’t know how someone could say sbth is better than this. I’d also argue it’s better than SF as well.

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply
    Spicy XCX

    last time i cared abt cudi is when he potentially was gonna be on pissy pamper

    You cared enough to click on his sxn and comment tho? Fuccin idiot.
    Jesus man the toxicity from you losers is insufferable just ignore the thread and take ur pathetic assess somewhere else.

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply

    I dead never went to bump this album. I can’t get to the point where I’m convinced it’s an actual album and not a soundtrack. But I should listen to it

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply

    I dead never went to bump this album. I can’t get to the point where I’m convinced it’s an actual album and not a soundtrack. But I should listen to it

    Not a good reason to not listen cuz it definitely stands on its own…had someone not known it was tied to a movie you’d never think to ur self it was a soundtrack.

    It sounds like an album not a typical ost…

  • Mar 12, 2023
    1 reply

    Not a good reason to not listen cuz it definitely stands on its own…had someone not known it was tied to a movie you’d never think to ur self it was a soundtrack.

    It sounds like an album not a typical ost…

    Yeah I’m just never that into soundtracks so I never really check them out. Also never watched the movie. If I didn’t know I most likely would’ve checked it out but Truth be told I’ve been cold on Cudi’s music outside of his older work I was hyped for AKNC to be rereleased but that’s about it.