  • Updated Dec 13, 2020

    Like, did I REALLY just waste months on tinder pandering and groveling to whales? When irl I am able to talk to and stay in contact with cute women.

    Get the f*** off tinder now, hit up your bar and lounge at your own risk of covid.

    I went because Monday they'll be closed

  • Nessy 🦎
    Dec 12, 2020
    5 replies

    Easier to die too

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Easier to die too

    Worth it?


  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Op in a few days

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    how did you spark up convos with these girls?

  • Dec 12, 2020
    3 replies

    what if i'm not a drinker

  • Dec 12, 2020
    4 replies

    how did you spark up convos with these girls?

    As weird as it sounds you lowkey act like you know them.

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    what if i'm not a drinker

    Million other things to talk about.

    It's easier with you and a friend and if you see 2 or 3 girl group with no niggas in sight

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    As weird as it sounds you lowkey act like you know them.

    Id be damned if somebody came up to me like they knew me this really work???

  • Dec 12, 2020

    covid c***

  • Dec 12, 2020

    I was with you about meeting women at a bar until "lounge at your own risk of covid."

  • Dec 12, 2020

    Million other things to talk about.

    It's easier with you and a friend and if you see 2 or 3 girl group with no niggas in sight


  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Id be damned if somebody came up to me like they knew me this really work???

    Not like that, but don't do the interview style questions. Like compliment their outfit and banter about y'alls fit and how it pairs well with your's etc. Stuff like that

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    As weird as it sounds you lowkey act like you know them.

    explain what you did 🗒✍🏼
    also I feel like going up to girls in that type of setting is obvious that youre trying to hit on them tho

  • Dec 12, 2020
    2 replies

    A lot of guys would have difficulty with it, but if you're dancing and its obvious you're having a good time it attracts girls to you without you having to initiate conversation too

  • Dec 12, 2020

    explain what you did 🗒✍🏼
    also I feel like going up to girls in that type of setting is obvious that youre trying to hit on them tho

    And that's why a lot of them are there.

    You would walk up to them, ask how they doing, ask them do they mind if we join them. Then you complement and banter,DON'T shoot off 1000 questions one after the next.

    If they say yes they're most likely single.if they so no either they don't like you or they got a nigga.

    It's smooth sailing once they say yes, they want to give you a shot, bar is a social place so doing this isn't abnormal at all.

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    A lot of guys would have difficulty with it, but if you're dancing and its obvious you're having a good time it attracts girls to you without you having to initiate conversation too

    This is facts, I can't dance.

    But if you can dance and dance well you're guaranteed begging at least 1 girl a night. They're drawn to that energy like moths to a flame.

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    easier than the club too
    still dont know how to hit somebody up on the dancefloor without being creepy. bars goat for meeting women

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    This is facts, I can't dance.

    But if you can dance and dance well you're guaranteed begging at least 1 girl a night. They're drawn to that energy like moths to a flame.

    While I think of myself as a pretty good dancer at a nightclub, I have a friend who does some pretty awkward looking moves, but just the fact that he puts himself out there and is confident about it is enough to attract girls too

  • Dec 12, 2020

    easier than the club too
    still dont know how to hit somebody up on the dancefloor without being creepy. bars goat for meeting women

    Man the club is just too jarring, could never even muster a convo

  • Dec 12, 2020
    1 reply

    While I think of myself as a pretty good dancer at a nightclub, I have a friend who does some pretty awkward looking moves, but just the fact that he puts himself out there and is confident about it is enough to attract girls too

    Throwing shapes

  • Dec 12, 2020

    Misery got this on lock

  • Dec 12, 2020
    2 replies

    with that being said it always blows my mind that smoking hot women settle for medicore men if you were raised with the internet you're taught that only 6ft+ charismatic, confident, socially competent, high status, witty, funny, and interesting dudes get chicks which is obviously bs but it shows how toxic the discussion of picking up women is on the internet.

  • 99.9% recovery rate on covid but it’s the new go to excuse for not talking to women

  • Dec 12, 2020
    3 replies

    literally i went this under 18 club one time and girls just h**** af