here's CBS. go ahead and deny it some more
Dude you can't just write every and all form of news off because it doesn't fit your worldview. I get that CBS isn't exactly a maverick news source, but it is widely considered to be one of the more credible mainstream outlets. If y'all think only internet dwellers are conjuring these stories up, you're wrong. This is headline news whether you want to accept it or not.
Dude you can't just write every and all form of news off because it doesn't fit your worldview. I get that CBS isn't exactly a maverick news source, but it is widely considered to be one of the more credible mainstream outlets. If y'all think only internet dwellers are conjuring these stories up, you're wrong. This is headline news whether you want to accept it or not.
Dude you can’t be this paranoid
Dude you can’t be this paranoid
It's not even paranoid. People are literally getting chipped, and these things are built with global positioning technology, as well as the ability to check your vitals. It's literally not even a conspiracy, there are primary sources from credible outlets showing that chipping is happening.
Now, sure, you can't totally prove that the people manufacturing and funding these chips will track you. But there is proof that Amazon Alexa does this, proof your phones and computers do this, proof your f***ing cars do this, proof your SmartHomes do this, proof your game consoles do this. Why the f*** would this be any different? Every piece of Internet and/or wireless network capable technology does this, and these chips are going to be able to do the same. Why would you trust these people when they've proven to do this?
I've worked with companies like this. It's not a joke, this s*** is real.
Christians been warning you about the mark of the beast for years brehs
Even if you don’t believe in god don’t get microchipped because once you do there’s no going back
Big d*** energy
Big d*** energy
Jesus energy breh
Cuz it’s the truth and nothing is stronger than the truth
they can chip my corpse . i’d rather die than getting 2 things: ECT and getting chipped
Like its possible to see everything about us on them... tracks were we are.. wo we are with , what we say .. and so on
we are already living with an external chip
how we look when we beatin our meat
Like its possible to see everything about us on them... tracks were we are.. wo we are with , what we say .. and so on
we are already living with an external chip
here's CBS. go ahead and deny it some more
I don't understand why they need to implant microchips to open doors when biometrics is like a 30+ year old technology
I don't understand why they need to implant microchips to open doors when biometrics is like a 30+ year old technology
They don't. They're just insane, greedy, and paranoid
like others have said, your phone is a way better microchip than an actual microchip could be
also even if the gov did microchip people it would be found out pretty f***in quick