Bruh I was just listening to Francis and the lights and the song they have together came on I was like dam this is hard
And now im listening to this like 👍 such a pleasant surprise
How come she barely has any hype she been putting wonderful little projects since she left GOOD (and I already was f***ing with the album she put out under GOOD) damn she deserves way better
Wish I still had the f***in download for this
is it not on streaming/youtube/soundcloud anymore or?
is it not on streaming/youtube/soundcloud anymore or?
I don’t stream bro
I don’t stream bro
You should see my music folder lmfao
streaming sooo convenient though man. i just be in the car randomly wanting to listen to some sade or marvin gaye and streaming perfect for that. made me discover so much older music that i would never take the time to download
u don't f*** with streaming cause songs can be pulled and/or changed?
streaming sooo convenient though man. i just be in the car randomly wanting to listen to some sade or marvin gaye and streaming perfect for that. made me discover so much older music that i would never take the time to download
u don't f*** with streaming cause songs can be pulled and/or changed?
That’s one reason (all the Alternate kanye song versions) but really I just like “having” all my music. I like seeing the files and stuff.
I really liked her debut. Downloaded this, listened to a few songs and dismissed it. Listening to the new one now. Let's see how this goes.
Still in love with To Someone Else