Having to move a Kanye divorce thread to gng would be a new low for this site
We had a Lupe section in KTT1
Ye smart! All dat plastic on Kim gon become SAGGY when she old. Better leave her now, NATURAL QUEENS ONLY FOR NOW
Having to move a Kanye divorce thread to gng would be a new low for this site
i barely posts threads that often and of course this how it go
If you actually post on a forum about random women’s body’s you might be a virgin
I never saw the appeal to that lol
^ the user who made ktt threads at a party instead of socializing or talking to b****es
Need her to look at me like this
God what id give to be the seat of her car
^ the user who made ktt threads at a party instead of socializing or talking to b****es
during a pandemic
Yall listen to a "punk" artist with a little baby voice, so it makes sense
anybody got Kim feet pics?
My guy @Chip_Skylark got em for the low low
during a pandemic
Its a panoramic