2021 Kanye West's Revenge Tour
He's Getting All The Wyoming Hoes
why is ian connor so f***ing suspect bro this can't be humanly possible
2021 Kanye West's Revenge Tour
He's Getting All The Wyoming Hoes
To all the ones that curved me, I’m comin back to f*** y’all
Bro who talks like that
just because shes racist as hell, cant accept the fact shes not attractive and men dont want to be with her.... that doesnt make her a "queen"
Black queens winning again
Is it sad that after hearing this news I just think we might get good new music from ye, starting to realize I'm not seeing these entertainers as human
To all the ones that curved me, I’m comin back to f*** y’all
Bro who talks like that
To all the ones that curved me, I’m comin back to f*** y’all
Bro who talks like that
A man with 23 rape allegations
2021 Kanye West's Revenge Tour
He's Getting All The Wyoming Hoes
Aint this the guy with multiple r*pe allegations ?
^ the user who made ktt threads at a party instead of socializing or talking to b****es
with no fat ass and big t*** >>
Just petite women in general are my preference.