When doesnt it suck
I like twitter for politics but they especially have the corniest s*** atm give me feedback from the furry avis over this
I really hoped they would last.
not possible no one would put up with an unpredictable bipolar narcissist especially if you have children, that marriage was doomed the moment he got off that saint pablo stage
I never liked the marriage from the get-go.
The Kardashian clan's cancerous.
Yeah, I want the guy to be happy buuuuut.
S*** always seemed fake to me.
Anyways.... GOOD MUSIC OTW!
You think he might kill himself over this?
bro shut up with this type of s***. Don't speak out negative things like this
you people are so f***ing weird lol
Whats so weird about what i said? That kim probably doesnt want the man she fell in love with to change so much? Literally change his entire personality to fit the christian church and support trump
Laugh Now Cry Later hook hitting hard rn
you have to make all bout drake dont you brother?
Its Kim Kardashian. What do you expect?
Damn the woman who’s been in a stable 8 year marriage, is raising four kids, has even Kanye admitting she’s gone above and beyond in Wouldn’t Leave. And it’s kims fault?
I like twitter for politics but they especially have the corniest s*** atm give me feedback from the furry avis over this
"I like twitter for politics"
not possible no one would put up with an unpredictable bipolar narcissist especially if you have children, that marriage was doomed the moment he got off that saint pablo stage
I can still hope they would last