what's sick is people think the s***s gonna lead to better music, when the artist is just sadder and depressed
f***ing gross
album scrapped?
Kanye is really on some Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde s*** nowadays
When the dude from a few days ago comes back I hope he accidentally clicks upload on that album this time
This family is just nuts bro
I don’t know why people keep f***ing with this unstable reality show family
MK Ultra stay woke
I’m being facetious
he really said he had sleep deprivation.
he could have been so inspiring to people who struggle with the same illness like me. this s*** makes me so sad man
Some of people on this site were going ham on Kim but now y’all are like “omg yay kimye is back 🥺”
Thread moving too fast for anyone to see, but deadass he needs to take his bipolar more seriously. My exgf was bipolar and hurt me in ways I never want to go thru again. I hope he's not inspiring other bipolar people to not take meds.
There never was an album
The album is a state of mind
The real album was the friends we made along the way
theyre hot
They’re really not bro, they’re just famous which adds to their worth
Kim got a plastic body, khloe got a fake ass and ugly as f***, Kourtney is the only natural kardashian but she’s average at best, kendall is the only conventionally attractive one in the family. Kylie without makeup
I feel bad for north and all the younger kids being forced to live with this god awful family
if someone was smart they'd buy the site domain of the address me.To from his tweet and advertise something