@twitch remember when I told you he'd have a breakdown when the mania wore off and get depressed when he realized what he did?
Holy f***
OJ is responsible for the downfall, he was the first big, "they did/ they didn't do it" case
Rape/murder celebrity cases after that spawned from there, and that was our downfall
@twitch remember when I told you he'd have a breakdown when the mania wore off and get depressed when he realized what he did?
Kanye doesn’t have bipolar
He’s misdiagnose
He’s just speaking real s***
Woukdnt the severity of tweets make it more reason why he should apologize in public tho ?
I dont think so but that’s just me
Wayne 🐐🐐🐐 triple goat #2020VISUON Yeah spelled rong
This one is in the pantheon of Kanye tweets
I love Calmye
I do really. I don’t know why everyone wants raging egotistical Kanye. When he’s calm he’s so soft spoken and inspiring and can really articulate his thoughts
Kanye so funny man. How you go from
I been wanting a divorce for years !!!
Please baby dont leave meeeee