couldn't have done it without streaming
do you see this ye
bro stuck in 2016
bro stuck in 2016
had to edit my post cause no one understands what's going on
carti has given weeknd, ye, travis, madonna, sheck wes, rich the kid, ty$ their biggest hits in the past year. insano
Dont think Weeknd needs him
It’s really been 17 years since he topped he charts as a lead artist wow. The 2010s is Kanye’s lost weekend
Also the time he dropped his best music
OnceAgain replied to a blocked user
they used to tell him stick to the beats
uzi didn’t dog walk this nigga on features for like 2 straight years while simultaneously helping him blow for niggas to exercise this sort of erasure
cardi really in a different league fr
uzi has never had a #1 (not even xo which is diamond now)
How the F*** was do not #1
well yeah, the corps, radio, and payola did everything to stop him otherwise
radio means nothing today tbh
he would have had to be blackballed by the streaming companies for anything to happen
Carti always been over Uzi lol
Carti is such a better artist but saying Carti > Uzi in 2016 is a wild rewrite of history lol
Carti flew way past them pretty quick tho
How the F*** was do not #1
youtube & sc
its visualizer has some of the most views of that era
youtube & sc
its visualizer has some of the most views of that era
Like because it was initially released as a throwaway or something you're saying? I know Uzi didn't expect it be a big song and it had a weird release, like on a SoundCloud only tape or some s***
Like because it was initially released as a throwaway or something you're saying? I know Uzi didn't expect it be a big song and it had a weird release, like on a SoundCloud only tape or some s***
yeah exactly
and youtube vid count for very little and sc songs i dont think count at all (although im not sure)
its like a "street hit" that was still mainstream as hell, just not in the "proper" Billboard avenues if im not mistaken
But now since its been an official song on "official avenues" its diamond but missed it original window
It would have been #1 - buit honestly having a song that is diamond but wasnt a "real hit" is kinda saucey and brag worthy
You are so wrong with this lmao
Katy perry was just running s*** at that time. Next you’re gonna tell me Juicy J is why Dark Horse was so big.
But either way features should be a different category. It’s not the same as having your own song
So if it was the same exact song but katy was feature it would be different?
Keep in mind too that Jack Harlow and Doja Cat were the only rappers to make smash hits with zero features last year.
Most rappers over 35 ain't making smash hits anymore without a feature. Let's keep it 100. This is a milestone.
This has features though so I don't get your point.
This has features though so I don't get your point.
That's my point.
People keep bringing up how Ye needed features for this accomplishment like it's a bad thing when, in reality, little to no rappers over 35 are making smash hits without feats.
Even Drake's solo hitmaking ability is starting to dwindle. His last 2 number 1's had SZA and Cole on it. And IDGAF almost went number 1 with a Yeat feature too.