  • Jul 13, 2020

    7 youtube comments =/= America as a whole

    the president literally posted a white power video brehs, the president.

    You need to think outside your bubble

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Kanye supports BLM and was talking about reparations yall think the MAGA crowd gonna support that?

  • dat guy

    the furthest of the alt right was promoting him on social media, they care more about pushing their agenda than racism.

    "see? the left doesn't want black people to think for themselves", is the narrative they been pushing.

    It's less about actually liking Kanye and more about how they finally got a black man with some pull to justify their s***.

    The people who are still with Donald are gonna be with him no matter what. The only people from the original group of MAGA's Kanye might be able to take away are the ones in the northern heartland states who've become disenchanted by Trump's false promises regarding jobs but are still too prideful to vote anything other than republican.

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Did u ever really see him going fully MAGA tho?

    There’s obviously crossover with the pro-life stuff and the Christianity, but I can’t really ever imagine Kanye strongly espousing anti-immigrant sentiment like Trump, which is probably key to a lot of those people.

    Also don’t see him fostering a strong us vs them rhetoric (drain the swamp etc) given he claims to be on the love everyone tip.

    Defo right to say a lot of these black conservatives are being pushed hard by the right - have defo seen racists constantly retweet a selection of the high profile ones, presumably so they can feel like “a black person agrees with my views so they’re not offensive”. Not convinced this stimulus is enough to carry anyway to the presidency tho

  • Jul 13, 2020
    3 replies

    Did u ever really see him going fully MAGA tho?

    There’s obviously crossover with the pro-life stuff and the Christianity, but I can’t really ever imagine Kanye strongly espousing anti-immigrant sentiment like Trump, which is probably key to a lot of those people.

    Also don’t see him fostering a strong us vs them rhetoric (drain the swamp etc) given he claims to be on the love everyone tip.

    Defo right to say a lot of these black conservatives are being pushed hard by the right - have defo seen racists constantly retweet a selection of the high profile ones, presumably so they can feel like “a black person agrees with my views so they’re not offensive”. Not convinced this stimulus is enough to carry anyway to the presidency tho

    last year he posted tweets about mexicans taking our jobs, created this monstrousity of an interview

    went on a press run with this woman

    and said slavery was a choice.

    But last year he could have had it all
    It's now that's he's switching to the christianity/pro black lane

  • Jul 13, 2020
    dat guy

    last year he posted tweets about mexicans taking our jobs, created this monstrousity of an interview

    went on a press run with this woman

    and said slavery was a choice.

    But last year he could have had it all
    It's now that's he's switching to the christianity/pro black lane

    🤔 fair enough then yeah. Agree that hes boxed himself into a niche now as well

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    last year he posted tweets about mexicans taking our jobs, created this monstrousity of an interview

    went on a press run with this woman

    and said slavery was a choice.

    But last year he could have had it all
    It's now that's he's switching to the christianity/pro black lane

    what u got to understand about kanye is that he doesn't take "lanes"
    he just says what he's feeling at the moment

  • Jul 13, 2020
    2 replies
    Kanye mess

    what u got to understand about kanye is that he doesn't take "lanes"
    he just says what he's feeling at the moment

    I know, he's bipolar

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    last year he posted tweets about mexicans taking our jobs, created this monstrousity of an interview

    went on a press run with this woman

    and said slavery was a choice.

    But last year he could have had it all
    It's now that's he's switching to the christianity/pro black lane

    The White House sit down was beautiful what are you talkin about

    Dropped hella jewels

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    The White House sit down was beautiful what are you talkin about

    Dropped hella jewels

  • Jul 13, 2020
    dat guy

    I do look good in that pic thanks for reminding me 😘

  • Jul 13, 2020
    dat guy

    He was planning on running after Trump

    He couldve genuinely won the republican nomination in 2024 (especially if biden wins this year and trump doesnt run anymore or DIES since that would make trump like a martyr and kanye his chosen successor etc etc)

    But after that? If the left suddenly props someone up it will be either aoc or a complete nobody. Considering aoc is a dem soc instead of a soc dem I can see backlash against her be tremendous and kanye being a poc will make racist leftists vote for him just because of that. Is this maybe why kanye challenged the democratic black vote obligation and linking it to racism? In preperation of acquiring the black vote years later for a republican run? We go deeper down the rabbithole!

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Disagree. Trump voters were always going to vote Trump. Going against Trump helps him pander to more traditional-valued conservatives who have also distanced themselves from Trump. He's pulling votes from Trump AND Biden. Additionally, he would have NO unique platform if he ran while also endorsing Trump... that would just be dumb... take a PoliSci class or watch a youtube video about introducing a third party into a two party system at least...

    Is it going to work for Ye? Probably not. But that's not the point of the argument...

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    we said it was gonna be a landslide for hillary.
    but this is the people that actually go out and vote.

    You can find comments on YouTube like that for people who thought Andrew Yang had a chance.

  • Jul 13, 2020

    You can find comments on YouTube like that for people who thought Andrew Yang had a chance.

    difference is Trump has proven he can win, Trumps base would never transition to Andrew's.

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    El Coche

    Disagree. Trump voters were always going to vote Trump. Going against Trump helps him pander to more traditional-valued conservatives who have also distanced themselves from Trump. He's pulling votes from Trump AND Biden. Additionally, he would have NO unique platform if he ran while also endorsing Trump... that would just be dumb... take a PoliSci class or watch a youtube video about introducing a third party into a two party system at least...

    Is it going to work for Ye? Probably not. But that's not the point of the argument...

    insert thread title

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    insert thread title

    I don't understand your lazy response but ok OP

  • Jul 13, 2020
    El Coche

    I don't understand your lazy response but ok OP

  • Jul 13, 2020

    The right wasn't going to pry away from Trump to jump into the hands of Kanye.

  • Jul 13, 2020

    Trump's base is the GOP base and, with his policy so far, he won't have a problem getting that crowd

  • Jul 13, 2020

    Who cares, good riddance lol F*** Trump & MAGA

  • Jul 13, 2020

    Bruh he just did a legendary move turning independent, that increased his possibilities, f***in cool!!!

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    MAGA people weren’t voting for a black man no matter what he says lmao.

  • Jul 13, 2020

    MAGA people weren’t voting for a black man no matter what he says lmao.

    Would be a great experiment lowkey, I think they'd definitely vote for a coon to prove a point.

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    Look at the comment section from Fox News last year.

    He could have had it all


    you got it wrong. its not maga or die for them. they will vote anti establishment over any democratic propped up candidate. basically, any candidate cnn hates they will support, and ye already checked that box