Dude really namedrops or subs Ye on half of the tracks he drops
HA ha Ha AH”
HA ha Ha AH”
Lol sounds more like hes obsessed
Ever since Push gave him an L
Not saying Kanye isnt obsessed w him either tho, he cant keep Drake out his mouth either
Ye stans down bad for that Papi approval. He’s bullying Ye on the world stage & will get seen leaving a 5-star restaurant in Toronto with Kim.
bro said “i might need to link back with Ye” and yall making it an imaginary diss somehow. atp they probably ok
you know damn well that’s not happening
Lol sounds more like hes obsessed
Ever since Push gave him an L
Not saying Kanye isnt obsessed w him either tho, he cant keep Drake out his mouth either
Yeah, I probably should go to Yeshiva, we went to Ibiza
Yeah, I probably should go link with Yeezy, I need me some Jesus
But soon as I started confessin' my sins, he wouldn't believe us
Drake went to Ibiza with a girl or went to Ibiza to find a girl, did some very non-christlike things there with her
He then says he should go link with Yeezy because he needs some Jesus.
He starts confessing his sins to Kanye, but Kanye wouldn't believe the sins he committed due to the severity of it
Nothing about Kim. It shouldn't be this hard to understand.
Lol sounds more like hes obsessed
Ever since Push gave him an L
Not saying Kanye isnt obsessed w him either tho, he cant keep Drake out his mouth either
Lol sounds more like hes obsessed
Ever since Push gave him an L
Not saying Kanye isnt obsessed w him either tho, he cant keep Drake out his mouth either
ye has only referenced him in one song since the beef and it was just saying for him to calm down lol. drake be referencing him in near every track he drop since.
you know damn well that’s not happening
what u gonna do when it inevitably does
{Outro: Drake & Kanye }
I forgive you man
We still getting this s*** done though
You know thats facts
ye has only referenced him in one song since the beef and it was just saying for him to calm down lol. drake be referencing him in near every track he drop since.
True music wise Drake does it more. But Ye mentioned him in interviews and s***
Some legit mental gymnastics trying to see this as shade or a sneak diss.
Drake is literally shouting out Kanye cus he’s close to God, unlike Drake who’s sinning in Ibiza
Ye stans down bad for that Papi approval. He’s bullying Ye on the world stage & will get seen leaving a 5-star restaurant in Toronto with Kim.
Y’all obsessed with wanting drake to be with Kim. Why?
Some legit mental gymnastics trying to see this as shade or a sneak diss.
Drake is literally shouting out Kanye cus he’s close to God, unlike Drake who’s sinning in Ibiza
That’s the joke tho
ive thought about this line and my final answer is its yet another sneak diss
"but as soon as i start confessing he wouldnt believe us"
like what drakes been up to even kanye wouldnt believe ie: smashing kris or kim or getting more money than him or whatever your imagination wants to run with
Cyhi said they’re mid reconciliation though
Drake usually just opts to sneak disses unless he's making a diss track tho. Name dropping typically reserved for shout outs and respect. His part is about having sins and needing Jesus to repent and Ye just ties into that perfectly with the Jesus connection. Like he called man by his nickname too i don't see ill will there
Im also unsure if that latter line is even referring to Ye. You confess your sins to Jesus lol and thats right after he said "i need me some Jesus." It could be taken as his sins are so crazy Jesus wouldn't believe it
that’s the cleverness of that line. it’s about both kanye and jesus duh
Wheelchair Jimmy better stay tf away.
Valentine's day he had s***okay, let's see what's about to happen next okay?