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  • Slept On

    op obsession with Kendrick is weirdo behavior

    Same with y’all with Drake

  • op wants puff free?

    no wonder he's a drake stan

  • That’s crazy. Just won $50 betting that Ye would tweet about Kendrick on superbowl day.

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    ''Im going to respectfully leave it light just like that'' What is he implying?

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    ye’s jealous of Kendrick

  • americana

    OP exposes himself as a Nazi sympathizer

  • @op suck my d*** and f*** you

  • Zack From The Six

    ''Im going to respectfully leave it light just like that'' What is he implying?

    Sounds like he’s saying they all know who the real Hollywood predator is and it’s free puff and arrest Drake

  • Drake stans agreeing with this cause Drake lost

  • @op coping shouldn’t include adopting ye’s beliefs

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 9

  • Kanye Drake and Puff are no longer apart of the culture. They are outsiders that’s opinions will be ignored

  • Feb 9
    2 replies

    And I was told the Kendrick fans were the ones making Kanye’s crash out about Kendrick

    Yet all the drake twitter Stan’s and now Wally seem to disagree

  • lacriminal

    Yo dot i got you

  • Feb 9
    2 replies

    Kanye is not wrong unless you're gullible enough to think Kendrick's rise is entirely organic

  • WT777

    And I was told the Kendrick fans were the ones making Kanye’s crash out about Kendrick

    Yet all the drake twitter Stan’s and now Wally seem to disagree

    F***, when will they make the connection

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    Kanye is not wrong unless you're gullible enough to think Kendrick's rise is entirely organic

    kanyes rise isnt even entirely organic, no major artist is LMAO

  • Feb 9

    respectfully left it light because hes in la right now

  • Feb 9
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    kanyes rise isnt even entirely organic, no major artist is LMAO


  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    And I was told the Kendrick fans were the ones making Kanye’s crash out about Kendrick

    Yet all the drake twitter Stan’s and now Wally seem to disagree

    wally wanting puff free is a revelation i never expected but it makes sense with the character

  • We know OP and similar clowns permanently f***ed in the head when they stooping this low that they have to defend a nazi.

    Perception of reality is f***ed for you guys, hope you get some real help.

  • OPs skating behind KAnyes nazi-ism to pull this one tweet out from it

  • Feb 9
    1 reply



    you dont get big without promo and you dont get promo without money. lot of people wont lnow you until you place yourself iin front of them. its commonsense. the pnly option otherwise is to stay small, or have a lot of your money too promo yoourself which no artist will ever have for most of their career.

    sorry, even kanye knows and does this.

    and to tell an artist to get big off their own money is coming from a place of privilege and ignorance. sorry that the real world sucks and is all about connections and money. doesnt take a schizo ranting on twitter posting nai shirts and wants diddy free to realize that or to learn that.

  • Kanye still on his maga conspiracy 4chan s*** huh.. them nitrous f***ed up his Brain dude probably thinks Qanon is him when he looks in the mirror

  • Feb 9
    4 replies

    Why should he have to scream free p Diddy lol

    Accountability just doesn’t exist anymore?

    And why should a dude in the peak of his career have to sacrifice his career/public standing to support a domestic abuser/rapist/sex trafficker?

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