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  • Nov 13, 2019

    TLDR i think it was about kanye rising to trump i dont know i didnt read it

    Period 1
    October 13, 2015

    “I am the #1 most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google... Do you want to marginalize me until I am out my moment?” Do you hear the words that come out of this man’s mouth? He has been telling us forever that he is something special. Why didn’t we listen sooner is what I wonder, but now we are listening. We as the lower class have opened our ears and eyes and have found a new leader, a leader that understands. We as the lower class are going to fight for what we have wanted forever since the times of absolute monarchy, equality. Who is this man that did this you ask, his name is Kanye West. Yes the guy that made Power, Gold Digger, and Stronger. The guy that changed the way people dressed and how people make music. I know he seems like the most uncommon person to do something like this, let me tell you how this all happened.

    How would you feel if out of nowhere someone took your freedom from you. If they told you that you were not allowed to do what you wanted to anymore and you had to do a certain job. That's basically what happened to us when the super evil Trump was elected, yes that guy who has the floppy hair and the annoying smile. First he started off by trying to kick all of the immigrants out. This guy sent armies of soldiers to people's home and broke everything they saw in sight as an excuse to terrorize the lower class. He did this even if there wasn't any immigrants in the homes and protected what they were doing by calling “protocol”. Once practically wiping out the whole Spanish culture from America he came up with a plan to “Make America Great Again,” meaning make the rich even richer and make the poor suffer. All damage done by them from the whole breaking in people's homes were paid by the lower class, the rich paid none at all.

    People got sick of this treatment, there was videos on social media of police committing these harsh acts and no one was doing anything about it. It got to a point where they thought they had all the power in the world. Then it happened, the people fought back, it all became madness there was riots everywhere cities were practically being completely burned down. People somehow gained control of police weapons and stashed them for later use. But the bad part about it is we were attacking each other, the lower class was killing each other off while the rich was smiling at it all because their plan had worked.

    Now like I said there was videos all over social media, social media became a huge thing, when I say huge I mean huge. People wouldn’t leave their house so what's there to do, stay inside and catch up on what's happening around you is all there is to do. Music is big at the time, people are constantly playing songs through loudspeakers in rallies and it brings a certain feeling, but there wasn't a artist that made people want to do anything. In the middle of all this, Kanye West finally speaks his mind on what's happening after being hidden for so long. He tweets several thoughts that quickly grabbed people's attention and immediately made them think different about all this, then he sends out a link. In that link is what changed the world forever, he releases his album that people have been waiting for, for so long. This album was not only the turning point in this whole situation but this album made people rebellious, it made them realize how they were playing to what the rich had wanted this whole time.

    So people joined together, and instead of fighting, they talked and had peaceful meetings. The middle class then came in to help also, since they too were being robbed of their money. People started becoming one big class and culture, the movement moved quickly but they had no person to set the foundation of what to do, a person that everyone would listen to. So they reached out to the person they were listening to. There was a huge live stream of Kanye talking about what is happening to the United States, and we listened. Almost every low class citizen listened while the high class ignored because they didn't see us as a threat. Look at us now, at the White House gates ready to march right down to the door if we do not get what we want. And what we want is our freedom back.

  • Nov 13, 2019


  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    How about that

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply

    you really had the nerve to send this to music section

  • Nov 13, 2019

    How about that

    how about it right

  • Nov 13, 2019


  • Nov 13, 2019

    you really had the nerve to send this to music section

    You have the nerve to assume music sxn posters are any smarter than ye sxn posters

  • Nov 13, 2019
    1 reply


  • Nov 13, 2019


    What? Are you alright mate?

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