  • Jul 9, 2020

    So bear up.

    1] Kanye has never voted in his life.

    2] Kanye just registered to vote in 2020.

    3] Kanye won't vote for anyone besides himself.

    4] Kanye is running and will vote (first time ever) for himself.

    5] ?

    6] Utopia.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    3 replies

    I seriously think he might not run.

    The term running a campaign will be very tenous anyway since he would have to be a write-in candidate.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    3 replies

    did y’all see that video? Kanye seemed more normal than ever before! The media wants us to believe he’s insane and having bi-polar episodes to deter us from voting for him. They are scared because Ye has a platform and could potentially win!

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    did y’all see that video? Kanye seemed more normal than ever before! The media wants us to believe he’s insane and having bi-polar episodes to deter us from voting for him. They are scared because Ye has a platform and could potentially win!

    The interview just sounds like him just chatting and Forbes took him a bit too serious. The harmful thing about “free thinking”.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I seriously think he might not run.

    The term running a campaign will be very tenous anyway since he would have to be a write-in candidate.

    Could you explain this to me?

    So he can't be on the ballot for 6 states now because it's too late but people apparently can still vote for him? How does that work?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    I seriously think he might not run.

    The term running a campaign will be very tenous anyway since he would have to be a write-in candidate.

    Yeah I dont think its happening this year maybe in 4 more years

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    The interview just sounds like him just chatting and Forbes took him a bit too serious. The harmful thing about “free thinking”.

    exaclty! the world tells us to be free-thinkers, but as soon as we begin to formulate our own thoughts and ideas the people/media get mad because our thoughts and ideas don’t correspond with theirs.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Could you explain this to me?

    So he can't be on the ballot for 6 states now because it's too late but people apparently can still vote for him? How does that work?

    Getting a candidate on the ballot is not easy. Kanye is too late for that in most if not all states. Insteads he would need a certain amount of petitions to be allowed a write-in ballot. A few states don't even allow write-in candidates, but most do. People will have to write in Kanye West below. Even f***ing his name up would render the vote invalid, like spelling Kenye or Kayne or Yeezy. It's an uphill battle. It would be smarter to sit this one out, get a real team by 2022 and attack in 2024 as a serious third party candidate.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    did y’all see that video? Kanye seemed more normal than ever before! The media wants us to believe he’s insane and having bi-polar episodes to deter us from voting for him. They are scared because Ye has a platform and could potentially win!

    people with bipolar can be struggling and have a normal conversation during a bad time. it's pretty hard to tell someone's mental state from a 60 second clip. it seems like people expect ye to be off the rails in some cartoonish state if he's struggling

    idk what this site expects it to look like

    i hope he's ok tho of course


    exaclty! the world tells us to be free-thinkers, but as soon as we begin to formulate our own thoughts and ideas the people/media get mad because our thoughts and ideas don’t correspond with theirs.

    ye's always thought originally tho. if anything, he's giving less developed thoughts than he used to in 19/20 (and i liked jesus is king so not hating). a lot of his thoughts in the forbes are the same things other evangelical christians on the right or black conservatives have been saying for as long as i can remember. the other bits read like an older family member forwarding too many bill gates / david icke style conspiracies to you on whatsapp

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    isn't it too late for Kanye to affect anything lol?

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    people with bipolar can be struggling and have a normal conversation during a bad time. it's pretty hard to tell someone's mental state from a 60 second clip. it seems like people expect ye to be off the rails in some cartoonish state if he's struggling

    idk what this site expects it to look like

    i hope he's ok tho of course

    Yeah I had a bipolar grandmother and we had normal convos

  • MrIndigo96

    Yeah I had a bipolar grandmother and we had normal convos


    i hate when i see ye stans trying to make all these defences for why he doesn't have mental health struggles, like he's done something wrong by having bipolar or should be ashamed. like it's some media conspiracy to paint him in a bad light

    that's the last thing ye needs to ever apologise for.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    isn't it too late for Kanye to affect anything lol?

    yeah most likely

    the fact joe biden's media advocates think ye could significantly split the black/youth vote really shows they have as little faith in their candidate as the rest of us and how mindless they think the youth and black voters are. young people are more engaged rn than they've been in lots of other eras from what i can tell and ye literally clashes with everything they care about

  • keevski 🤯
    Jul 9, 2020

    did y’all see that video? Kanye seemed more normal than ever before! The media wants us to believe he’s insane and having bi-polar episodes to deter us from voting for him. They are scared because Ye has a platform and could potentially win!

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah most likely

    the fact joe biden's media advocates think ye could significantly split the black/youth vote really shows they have as little faith in their candidate as the rest of us and how mindless they think the youth and black voters are. young people are more engaged rn than they've been in lots of other eras from what i can tell and ye literally clashes with everything they care about


    all this talk and worry for ye’s health is funny to me when people dont keep the same energy with biden and trump’s health which both have been quickly deteriorating

    like the fact that people are using ye’s mental health as a reason he should “sit down” is sickening to me

  • hey man relax


    all this talk and worry for ye’s health is funny to me when people dont keep the same energy with biden and trump’s health which both have been quickly deteriorating

    like the fact that people are using ye’s mental health as a reason he should “sit down” is sickening to me

    agreed, there's loads of reasons ye should sit this one out, i don't think his mental health is really the most effective one for people to focus on.

    what's really scary is how low biden is setting the bar for what makes a good presidential candidate. from having no real message other than 'not trump' to not being able to string a sentence together and having a very dubious record in public office

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I seriously think he might not run.

    The term running a campaign will be very tenous anyway since he would have to be a write-in candidate.

    That's because he's not running, he's walking

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    That's because he's not running, he's walking

    did ye say something about how obama ran so he could walk or am i imagining that

  • Jul 9, 2020

    did ye say something about how obama ran so he could walk or am i imagining that

    That sounds like a Kanye thing to say but I'm honestly not sure