Literally not the only main producer or only writer on any song for this album. S***'s pathetic.
Kanye needs ghostwriters to rap bars that aren't good at all. Kanye developed a fanbase because he made the music and the lyrics, now he does neither, he's just DJ Khaled but says weird s*** all the time.
Somehow, this album where Kanye is the least involved is also his worst, slightly below Ye. Defending this album is delusional, and not that's not because I'm a libtard or a militant atheist, it's because these songs are s***.
Man wtf is thread, mbdtf yeezus trash too because ye didnt do it all himself 🤣🤣🤣
Man wtf is thread, mbdtf yeezus trash too because ye didnt do it all himself 🤣🤣🤣
op was banned it’s all good
Good point op. here’s my thoughts on the matter Literally not the only main producer or only writer on any song for this album. S***'s pathetic.
Kanye needs ghostwriters to rap bars that aren't good at all. Kanye developed a fanbase because he made the music and the lyrics, now he does neither, he's just DJ Khaled but says weird s*** all the time.
Somehow, this album where Kanye is the least involved is also his worst, slightly below Ye. Defending this album is delusional, and not that's not because I'm a libtard or a militant atheist, it's because these songs are s***.
It’s so strange because he honestly could’ve enlisted KTTers to write better lines for him. You’re Kanye f***ing West. You don’t have to do all the writing, but how can you have access to pretty much any lyricist you want and this is the result?
And the production has nice sounds but they come together in such a boring or clunky fashion. Where’s the Kanye that used to have his instrumentals seamlessly develop? That used to be able to create full 4+ minute tracks that actually left you satisfied? Who used to be a perfectionist with making beats that had various layers to them rather than just getting some random generic trap beat from YouTube like On God?
You can’t tell me this feels like an album Kanye put his blood, sweat, and tears into. Not even close. It feels like an album that was created by some interns he hired because he was too busy with Sunday Service performances.
Cyhi explained the writing process. It doesnt sound like writing. it seems to me just a random studio raffle process of getting credit on a song. Cyhi said if he liked your shoes and you were in the studio, he would credit you on a song
I don't think there is any writing, this is chaos in the studio which he happens to enjoy more and challenges him more to do this on the fly.
I think Ye's freestyling for the most part when the beat comes on. Now he might do a few passes and look at a nice shirt or a watch and that will inspire his next line. That's my guess the reason why it sounds like that.
how do yall not realize that this is what makes him him??? no one has been able to consistently make music that feels fresh and new like he has without a ton of input from others for new ideas. thats why the only competitors are bands with multiple ppl contributing. and from what ive heard it wasnt like he was using zero help early on either with the lyrics. it makes sense, ye needs a translator and hes just going for a different style now i guess i mean he's getting old and needs to connect with the youthhh
Literally not the only main producer or only writer on any song for this album. S***'s pathetic.
Kanye needs ghostwriters to rap bars that aren't good at all. Kanye developed a fanbase because he made the music and the lyrics, now he does neither, he's just DJ Khaled but says weird s*** all the time.
Somehow, this album where Kanye is the least involved is also his worst, slightly below Ye. Defending this album is delusional, and not that's not because I'm a libtard or a militant atheist, it's because these songs are s***.
damn op speaking fax
Honestly, Ye has been getting help since Day 1 so I don't think it's really a knock that he got help in general.
I just want the quality of the help he gets to improve.
He should get all the best writers from his older albums and do a Wyoming type situation but only working on his own music this time around.
The truth is he's offloading all his work to others because he's really just over this whole music s***. He's way more interested in YEEZY. He can't get away from it though because it's what people will always associate with him.
After multiple listens I changed my mind about this album. I used to really dislike it. Now I really hate it. This garbage aged like soiled chicken.