Ye really a pioneer. Interviews like this are why Frank, Lil Nas X, and Drake can all survive in modern day hip hop
Drake is gay?
Drake=Gay ahahahahaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahah
Are you telling me this isn't the face of a homosexual?
Are you telling me this isn't the face of a homosexual?
someone gonna have this as their avi by end of today
not true
Did you just unfollow him so I lost his 500th follower u f***
I never heard him speak so clearly and when I do it
's this
Taking out our own personal beliefs from the situations cause obviously we love it when he stands up for this stuff but hates when he advocates for Trump.
It’s really the same Kanye. The world, and more specifically the hip-hop world was extremely different back in 2005, and going on record and saying this was actually super risky and uncool. He had to get heat from beans and 50 for being a weirdo or being gay and stuff.
It’s easy to look back now and applaud it but mainstream wise this wasn’t the ‘coolest’ thing for him to say.
“that’s exactly what they use to do to black people “
damn kanye always been like this we should have saw it coming
Kanye was a black sheep back in 2005. He was the most mature rapper in a community full of rappers that were bragging about violence. Kanye was one of the very few to speak out against homophobia in the hip hop community. A lot of rappers were very toxic back then. Kanye was truly someone special.