lady from behind knows what's up
new YE Sunday service today
just have a good feeling about it for some reason.
lady from behind knows what's up
Why is he wearing that cape thing you put on at the barber?
he’s hanging with Kader?? that’s awesome
Likely similar iteration to the YZY Scuba soles
These would be hard if the soles are puncture proof.
This gotta be editted
Holy s***, they did clone Ye
brother is OBSESSED with ice cream
lil ufooooooooo
please tell me we're still doing that s***
please tell me we're still doing that s***
Of course
I worked on my album everyday from February to May, I needed to let my brain rest.
I just got the urge to actually make some music for the first time since my album release yesterday
I’ll be back on my s*** before you know it & we will get it done!
Of course
I worked on my album everyday from February to May, I needed to let my brain rest.
I just got the urge to actually make some music for the first time since my album release yesterday
I’ll be back on my s*** before you know it & we will get it done!
love u